Easiest way if you use Lazy.nvim is to use the opts function like this: return { 'linux-cultist/venv-selector.nvim', dependencies = { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap-python' }, opts = { -- Your options go here -- name = "venv...
Only nvim-lspconfig required. dap-python is optional. Use vim.ui.select. Enable dressing.nvim to get powerful UI. Support Pylsp, Pyright, BasedPyright LSP servers by default. Other LSP server can be supported with simple config. Switch between python interpreters without restart LSPs. (Except...
Or with vim-plug: Plug 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap' Or with packer.nvim: use 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap' Generate the documentation for nvim-dap using :helptags ALL or :helptags <PATH-TO-PLUGIN/doc/> Supported Neovim versions: Latest nightly 0.10.x (Recommended) 0.9.5 You'll need to install...
Plug'scrooloose/syntastic'" DAPPlug'mfussenegger/nvim-dap'Plug'rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui'Plug'theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text'Plug'ldelossa/nvim-dap-projects'" ThemePlug'Mofiqul/vscode.nvim'" Plug 'navarasu/onedark.nvim'" Plug 'sickill/vim-monokai'" iconPlug'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons...
nvim-jdtls includes functionality to discover main classes and create nvim-dap configuration entries for them. To discover the main classes you have to call require('jdtls.dap').setup_dap_main_class_configs() or use the JdtUpdateDebugConfigs command. It will only discover classes once eclipse...
A modern go neovim plugin based on treesitter, nvim-lsp and dap debugger. It is written in Lua and async as much as possible. PR & Suggestions are welcome. The plugin covers most features required for a gopher. Perproject setup. Allows you setup plugin behavior per project based on proje...
Python: install Black* LaTeX: install texlive-core to use latexindent *Need EFM Language Server to work with vim.lsp.buf.format() Installation Make sure you have required dependencies installed. Clone this repo to your config directory git clone https://github.com/Bekaboo/nvim ~/.config/n...
Easy to hack Shown above: shell repl. Some other built-ins: nvim lua API vim runtime:ada, c, clojure, css, haskell, html, js, php, syntax scientific calculator comment banners moo! vimtex orgmode.nvim vim dadbod nvim-dap Statistics ...