.clang-format discard, fixes, cleanup, tests and documentation 4年前 .gitignore doesn't build, gotta sleep returning soon 4年前 .luacheckrc doesn't build, gotta sleep returning soon 4年前 .stylua.toml fix: memory leak in get_positions when using or (#59) 3年前 CMak...
clang-format - Tool to format C/C++/… code according to a set of rules and heuristics. cljfmt - cljfmt is a tool for detecting and fixing formatting errors in Clojure code. cljstyle - Formatter for Clojure code. cmake_format - Parse cmake listfiles and format them nicely. codespell ...
"clang-format", }, automatic_installation = true, }) 5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions 5 lua/user/plugins/lsp/null-ls.lua Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ return { "jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim", -- configure formatters & linter...
clang-format SortIncludes: Never 1年前 syntax Show labels of any object in the Object Browser 1年前 .gitignore Allow running R remotely through ssh (#764) 1年前 CONTRIBUTING.md Adopt LLVM style with 4-space indent 1年前 LICENSE Initial commit 10年前 Nvim-R.gif Fl...
Plug'dstein64/nvim-scrollview', {'branch':'main'}" mini mapPlug'gorbit99/codewindow.nvim'" pairPlug'windwp/nvim-autopairs'Plug'luochen1990/rainbow'Plug'tpope/vim-surround'" formatPlug'lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim'Plug'bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace'" ascii artPlug'godlygeek/...
大部分代码来自 https://martinlwx.github.io/zh-cn/config-neovim-from-scratch/。 预先安装 git clang nvim 与 windows terminal。 找好 nerd font。 在 Appdata/Local/nvim/ 下新建
$Allow = getPriv("settings", session("user_id"));if($Allow ==false) {echoheader('Location: ../?l='. $cLang .'&err=permission'); } $AllowUSettings =true;//getPriv("UserSettings", session("user_id")); 開發者ID:hew86i,項目名稱:panorama,代碼行數:31,代碼來源:index_sega.php ...
$kraj = DateTimeFormat(getQUERY("kraj"),'Y-m-d'); $kopce = str_replace("'","''",NNull($_GET['input'],'')); $cid = Session("client_id"); opendb(); $zaId = dlookup("select Max(id)+1 from drivers"); $proverka = query("select * from vehicleslicense"); ...
设置suggest.formatItems,例如: "suggest.formatItems": ["abbr", "menu", "kind"], copilot.vim 提供选项时,无法使用 tab 切换 copilot.vim 对原生的 pumvisible() 进行了判定,所以你设置的 tab 可以正常工作,如果你需要 tab 优先执行切换选项,而不是完成 copilot 的选项,可以在 vimrc 中设置: let g:...
./clang-format on project root or root's parent folder. See: clangd/coc-clangd#39Rust# For coc, rust-analyzer is installed by rustup. rustup component add rust-analyzer # For nvim_lsp, rust-analyzer only auto starts for cargo projects. # To create a cargo project, run the following ...