GPUStack 是一个设计用于运行大模型的开源 GPU 集群管理器,提供私有部署的大模型服务,支持大语言模型、Embedding 文本嵌入模型、Reranker 重排序模型、Vision 多模态模型等各种模型。它可以聚合不同平台(如 Apple Mac、Windows PC 和 Linux 服务器)的 GPU,构建一个统一的异构 GPU 集群。 在Linux 中十分推荐使用 Do...
eRDMA GPU故障诊断与恢复 GPU FAQ 调度 服务网格 微服务治理 批量任务编排 市场 Windows容器 安全沙箱 图形化应用 ACK-TEE机密计算 实践教程 安全合规 开发参考 服务支持 视频专区 首页容器服务 Kubernetes 版 ACKACK托管与专有集群操作指南GPUGPU运维管理升级GPU节点的Docker 升级GPU节点的Docker ...
393] attempting to load dxcore to see if we are running under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) I0131 19:03:41.187956 64600 nvc.c:395] dxcore initialization failed, continuing assuming a non-WSL environment W0131 19:03:41.448196 64601 nvc.c:273] failed to set inheritable capabilities W01...
# The container needs to be interactive to be able to interact with the X11 windows # # --rm # Deletes the container after the command runs # # --runtime=nvidia \ # Enable GPU acceleration # # -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix # -e DISPLAY # Enable graphical applications # # ...
One issue I faced was that I didn't have the latest Windows build (20145 or higher, from the Windows Insider program) and the latest NVIDIA CUDA on WSL Public Preview driver, which are need in order to enable CUDA and GPU computing through WSL. After getting these, I managed to set up...