Adaptive VSync(自适应垂直同步)是NVIDIA的技术。 Cptd3574er 天人合一 17 显示器写的没强调gsync那就不是NV的技术 Windysonken 不堪一击 1 老黄的Adaptive-Sync是在帧速高于刷新率时启动垂直同步,而显示器的不清楚 至欢 不堪一击 1 没有的...
支持Adaptiv..可以,adaptive sync就是free sync的变种,DP线+显卡驱动打开Gsync兼容就好。至于玩游戏,预算高尽量还是硬G,像各种所谓Gsync兼容只不过是向预算的妥协罢了,日常玩游戏体验不
NVIDIA Adaptive Sync is another technology developed by the company, which is a smart alternative to the Vertical Sync technology. This technology is only available in newer NVIDIA graphics cards. Just like the VSync technology, the Adaptive Sync technology also limits the GPU fps rate to match ...
NVIDIA的Adaptive VSync实质上就是监测帧速变化,在帧速过低的时候关闭垂直同步,流畅度没问题的时候再打开垂直同步。 另外,Adaptive VSync选项已经集成在300系列驱动中,初期的301.10还只支持GTX 680显卡,目前301.24 beta驱动已经支持全系列N卡,这一功能也可以在目前的GTX 500显卡上开启。 HardOCP选择了设定了三种情况以对...
I have a monitor that supports G-sync (Nvidia's adaptive sync technology) that I use for games. By default, G-sync will remain "on" globally (even on the desktop) unless you force it off. I've noticed that, when it's on, if I'm in Prem...
VSync (or vertical sync) sees the GPU only sending enough frames that the screen can handle. It does this by taking the maximum refresh rate and setting that as the limit for the graphics card to work with. The GPU will then carry out some fancy behind-the-scenes tasks to ensure you ...
NVIDIA Reflex delivers the ultimate competitive advantage. The lowest latency. The best responsiveness. Powered by GeForce RTX GPUs andNVIDIA®G-SYNC®Displayswith Reflex. Acquire targets faster, react quicker, and increase aim precision through a revolutionary suite of technologies built to reduce ...
视频电子标准协会(VESA)刚刚拓展了针对“可变刷新率”(VRR)显示器的认证计划,旨在帮助广大消费者轻松选购此类产品。与之前衡量峰值亮度等指标的“高动态范围”(HDR)认证项目不同,新增的“自适应同步”(Adaptive-Sync Display CTS)认证项目专注于可变刷新率显示器,特点是能够防止画面出现闪烁、撕裂、丢帧等现象。
注意:所有 G-SYNC 及 G-SYNC ULTIMATE 顯示器從 1Hz 至最高更新率皆會啟用 G-SYNC 可變更新率,而 G-SYNC 相容及 Adaptive-Sync 的顯示器僅會在特定更新率區間啟用可變更新率。 GeForce RTX 顯示卡的效能強大,在《Apex 英雄 (Apex Legends) 》、《雷擊劍鬥 (Mordhau) 》、《狂怒煉獄 2 (Rage 2) 》,以...