测试的结果来看,其实使用GTX 1080原生开启G-Sync的输入延迟是最低的,平均是24.9ms,然后是Ryzen 5 2400G(Vega 11)使用原生FreeSync显示器,看到输入延迟是29ms,最后的“交火”的效果是31.9ms,其实都不如原生使用FreeSync、G-Sync的效果,换句话说如果不考虑测试误差,这种“交火”背后的帧迁移带来的延迟在3ms左右,PC...
"a new version of FreeSync " is just HDMI 2.1 VRR (AVAILABLE on HDMI 2.0B now for turing). 1 Nicholas Steel 5y 6 view replies Doesn't explain the flicker when FPS smoothly shifts depending on where you're looking in a area (using a G-Sync display, not G-Sync Comp...
Version: 417.71 WHQL Release Date: 2019.1.15 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit There is a link to what Nvidia are calling 'Gsync Compatible' FreeSync monitors on their website. Bye. 0 Likes Reply elstaci In response to colesdav MVP 01-15-2019 04:15 PM Empty headi...
Before we dive in, it is worth mentioning that AMD and Nvidia both make use of the VESA Adaptive Sync open technology. VESA Adaptive Sync enables Variable Refresh Rate, which allows the monitor to adjust its refresh rate to the GPU’s output signal. Both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync tec...
Step 1:Connect your Freesync monitor to your Nvidia graphics card using a DisplayPort cable. Step 2:Update your Windows operating system to the latest version. Step 3:Update your Nvidia graphics drivers to the latest version. Step 4:Enable Freesync on your monitor. This is usually done through...
AMD's FreeSync technology is prevalent throughout the monitor world, but do Nvidia graphics cards work with it?
测试条件如下: Paddle version:1.5.0 Tensorflow version:1.12.0, 1.14.0 Pytorch version:1.0.1, 1.1.0 GPU:Tesla V100-SXM2 CPU:Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz,38核 Nvida driver: 418.39 NCCL VERSION:2.4.2 CUDNN VERSION:7.4.2. 分享回复1 surface吧 紫暮灬惟铭 【Surface book2】...
G-Sync and FreeSync were enabled, as appropriate. As we're not testing with esports games, most of our performance results are nowhere near the 240 Hz limit, or even the 144 Hz limit of our secondary test PC. Image 1 of 8 (Image credit: T...
You can work around it by disabling the second queue as in the attached patch or just downgrading to an older version of Gamescope (3.12.5 works). That makes the Steam UI work pretty nice (still quite a lot of glitching/tearing but less flickering, feels smoother) however most games ...
But then you say that you're getting this inconsistency with either the FreeSync option in the OSD on or off, right? And did this happened before the FreeSync firmware update on your monitor, or did yours come with that version out of the box?