Compute Capability: 7.5(RTX 20x、T4) 这一代只是对 Volta 的小加强,Compute Capability 大版本号都仍然是 7。Tesla 计算卡系列只更新了 T4 这种推理卡,增加了 Int8/Int4 的推理能力,其他主要的设计更新重心都放在了像实时光追这种渲染能力上,让 Gforce 系列游戏卡的能力有了质的飞跃。 7.1 SM图示 7.2Turing ...
Responsiveness is key to user engagement for services such as conversational AI, recommender systems, and visual search. As models increase in accuracy and complexity, delivering the right answer right now requires exponentially larger compute capability. T4 delivers up to 40X times better throughput,...
As models increase in accuracy and complexity, delivering the right answer right now requires exponentially larger compute capability. T4 delivers up to 40X times better throughput, so more requests can be served in real time. T4 Inference Performance Resnet50 05X10X15X20X25X30X35X40X27XInference...
Device 0: "Tesla T4" CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 10.1 / 10.1 CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number: 7.5 Total amount of global memory: 15080 MBytes (15812263936 bytes) (40) Multiprocessors, ( 64) CUDA Cores/MP: 2560 CUDA Cores GPU Max Clock rate: 1590 MHz (1.59 GHz) Me...
这代架构的Tuning Guide很短,在之前的CUDA阅读100天(DAY85:阅读 Compute Capability 6.x (里已经有了详细介绍,如果有需要的同学可以自行翻阅CUDA 100天的内容,我们只在这里粗略介绍一下。 Pascal Tuning Guide一开始就说这代架构跟之前的架构比较相似,不需要改任何代码就可以看到明显的加速,然后说这...
以上都是关于这张卡计算部分的总结,下面我们来看看这张卡另一个重要特性,也即视频编解码,Tesla P4对当今(2022年)主流的编解码支持依然非常友好。我们根据NVIDIA Vedio Encode and Decode GPU Support Matrix表来看下T4 GPU的视频编解码能力。 P4 GPU视频编码支持如下: ...
Responsiveness is key to user engagement for services such as conversational AI, recommender systems, and visual search. As models increase in accuracy and complexity, delivering the right answer right now requires exponentially larger compute capability. ...
Device: Tesla T4 === Invalid __global__ read of size 4 bytes === at 0x480 in /tmp/CUDA11.0/ComputeSanitizer/Tests/Memcheck/basic/*,int*) === by thread (3,0,0) in block (4,0,0) === Address 0x7f551f200028...
GPU Compute Capability NVIDIA TITAN X 6.1 GeForce GTX 1080 6.1 GeForce GTX 1070 6.1 GeForce GTX 1060 6.1 Tegra X1 5.3 Tesla M40 5.2 Quadro M6000 24GB 5.2 Quadro M6000 5.2 Quadro M5000 5.2 Quadro M4000 5.2 Quadro M2000 5.2 GeForce GTX TITAN X 5.2 GeForce GTX 980 Ti ...
Tesla GA10x cards, RTX Ampere – RTX 3080, GA102 – RTX 3090, RTX A6000, RTX A40 “Devices of compute capability 8.6 have 2x more FP32 operations per cycle per SM than devices of compute capability 8.0. While a binary compiled for 8.0 will run as is on 8.6, it is recommended to co...