使用GPU进行深度学习时,是不是频繁出现输入nvidia-smi命令报错Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:0X:00.0: Unknown Error的问题。此外,出现故障时显卡直接开始满转啸叫,但系统仍然可以正常使用,除了无法使用显卡。故写了一个程序,监测GPU正常运行时长: #!/bin/bash # 检查 GPU 状态的时间间隔(...
error info: (They can occur at the same time.) tonyyan@tonyyan-X11SPI:~$ nvidia-smi Unable to determine the device handleforGPU0000:65:00.0: GPU is lost. Reboot the system to recover this GPU 327.411fps 3ms312.613fps 3ms309.92fps 3ms300.209fps 2ms342.361fps 3ms322.467fps 3ms316.99fps ...
NVIDIA显卡电源不足 NVIDIA显卡 Ubuntu16.04安装驱动后出现问题:Unable to determine the device handle for GPUXXX 安装NVIDIA驱动后输入:nvidia-smi 出现如下问题 Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:82:00.0: Unable to communicate with GPU because it is insufficiently powered. This may be be...
win+R运行cmd,在控制台命令窗口运行: nvidia-smi 运行报错 Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:01:00.0: GPU is lost. Reboot the system to recover this GPU 解决方案: 重启最后编辑于 :2022.09.21 17:01:39 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 1人点赞 YOLOv5-6.2 踩...
When I typed command nvidia-smi , Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:02:00.0: Unknown Error was returned. I then typednvidia-debugdump --list, here is the result: Found 2 NVIDIA devices Device ID: 0 Device name: NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal) (*PrimaryCard) GPU in...
Then when I type nvidia-smi , there is an error Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:19:00.0: Unknown Error . This is the output of nvidia-debugdump --list ,: Found 3 NVIDIA devices Error: nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(): Unknown Error FAILED to get details on G...
Q:我在ubuntu14.04系统上运行nvidia-smi时出现“communication-error with theGPU”的错误。驱动已经正确安装,一共安装了两块卡,K40C在PCI01:00.1处,另一块是GF6100,只有GF6100可以被nvidia-smi显示。错误具体提示如下: >$nvidia-smi Unableto determine the device handle for GPU 0000:01:00.0: Unable to commun...
Unable to determine whetherNVIDIAkernel modules are presentinthe initramfs.ExistingNVIDIAkernel modulesinthe initramfs,ifany,may interferewiththe newly installed driver.Would you like to rebuild the initramfs?Do not rebuild initramfs Rebuild initramfs ...
But when running "nvidia-smi" I get the following message: "Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:01:00.0: Unknown Error" I did spend about 5 hours trying to google-fu my way out of it, but alas I am unable to find any solutio...
WARNING: Unable to find a suitable destination to install 32-bit compatibility libraries. WARNING: Unable to determine the path to install the libglvnd EGL vendor library config files. 遇到了报错不要担心,正常情况,让我们逐一解决 解决方法 第一个错误,继续安装即可,这个错误只是确认你是否要安装这个驱动...