本文主要介绍了如何理解nvidia-smi topo -m的输出。我们一般不会直接与NVLink打交道,在我们使用cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess/cudaMemcpyPeer等API时,NVIDIA driver会自动决定是否要用NVLink。
nvidia-smi topo -m NVLINK 查询 GPU 监控 What is NCCL NCCL (NVIDIA Collective Communications Library) 是 NVIDIA 推出的一个用于 GPU 之间高性能通信的库。随着深度学习模型规模的增长(如 GPT-3 的1750 亿参数),单个 GPU 已无法满足训练需求。这就需要将模型或数据分割到多个 GPU 上进行并行训练,而 GPU ...
看到"ON"字样表示驱动持久化模式已开启。接着,通过执行 "sudo reboot" 进行重启。重启后,再次检查 "nvidia-smi topo -m" 命令,若发现GPU之间的连接已变为NV#,表示NVLink功能已经成功激活。如果连接仍显示为SYS(即PCIE),而非NV#,则需要执行 "nvidia-smi topo -p2p n" 命令进行检查。若出现...
"Nvidia-smi,一款强大的GPU管理和监控工具,能详细显示包括温度、电压、板卡类型ID、GPU利用率和活跃CE数量等关键信息。此外,'nvidia-smi topo -m'命令还能帮助您获取当前机器的拓扑情况。借助Nvidia-smi,您的GPU管理将更为轻松高效!" Host driver 的用处 目前观察到,Nvlink 和 NVSwitch Host Driver 主要为 Fabric ...
nvidia-smi nvlink seems to indicate that the NVLink connections are present but down. The p2p...
这是一台典型的V100-DGX机器。具体内容的解读可参见一文读懂nvidia-smi topo的输出。输出为:Driver Version: 550.54.15 CUDA Version: 12.4 于是我们就看到了两个概念:driver version与cuda driver version。查阅API文档可知:Driver与toolkit/runtime:驱动程序(driver)是操作系统用于与硬件打交道的...
[root@metty simpleP2P]# nvidia-smi topo -p2p w GPU0 GPU1 GPU2 GPU0 X GNS GNS GPU1 GNS X GNS GPU2 GNS GNS X Legend: X = Self OK = Status Ok CNS = Chipset not supported GNS = GPU not supported TNS = Topology not supported ...
On NVSwitch H100 based systems, the command nvidia-smi topo -p2p rw shows "NS" between GPU7, GPU6 and all other GPUs. even when the nvidia-fabricmanager daemon/service is up and running. This issue has been resolved and the connections now show "OK" correctly after nvidia-fabricmanager ...
How should I proceed to set NCCL_P2P_VALUE=NVL ? I have NVLink on my machine (nvidia-smi -m topo shows it) with 8 GPUs. Thanks a lot. Kimchi Hi, The text values (and in particular the NVL value) are new in NCCL 2.6.
Can you post the output of nvidia-smi topo -m from both nodes? And also the topo.xml from the other node (looks like the one you sent is from mbay-csp3; NCCL_TOPO_DUMP_FILE_RANK=rank will let you control which rank dumps it). Have you tried limiting the set of NICs that NCCL...