Upgrade your PC with the NVIDIA Quadro P4000 Graphics Card. 8GB of power for high-end performance!
Recommended Gaming Resolutions: 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160 The Quadro RTX 4000 is an enthusiast-class professional graphics card by NVIDIA, launched on November 13th, 2018. Built on the 12 nm process, and based on the TU104 graphics processor, in its TU104-850-A1 variant, the card ...
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 features 36 RT cores to accelerate ray tracing, 288 Tensor cores to accelerate AI and 8 GB GDDR6 memory to accommodate large datasets. It is equipped with three DisplayPort 1.4 connectors with HDR support and features the latest VirtualLink connector (that can also drive ...
NVIDIA Quadro P4000 GP104 1792 112 64 8192 MB GDDR5 256 bit GRAPHICS PROCESSOR CORES TMUS ROPS MEMORY SIZE MEMORY TYPE BUS WIDTH The Quadro P4000 is a professional graphics card by NVIDIA, launched in February 2017. Built on the 16 nm ...
英伟达NVIDIA RTX3080-O10G-V2-GAMING台式机电脑游戏专业独立显卡 ¥ 3549.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌: 英伟达NVIDIA 产品尺寸: 4.4” 高 x 9.5” 长 显存类型: GDDR6 显卡芯片组: NVIDIA RTX4000 输出接口: DP 灯效: 无光 毛重: 4.79kg 散热方式: 主动式 单精度算力:...
NVIDIA®Quadro RTX™ 4000 SKU:VCQRTX4000-PB Where to Buy Description Features Specifications Related Products CS3140 M.2 NVMe SSD View Product Details CS900 2.5'' SATA III SSD View Product Details XLR8 Gaming EPIC-X RGB™ 3600MHz Desktop Memory ...
丽台显卡NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000LEADTEK 丽台 NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 显卡 8GB 黑白色 6999元 天猫精选 去购买历史价格 历史推荐均价 0 由「什么值得买」APP提供绘制而成,仅供参考更多商城价格 天猫精选 最低 ¥6999 选购指南 英伟达RTX 5090D/5080正式开卖,iPhone 15首当其冲沦为百元机 在科技领域的一则重...
LEADTEK 丽台 NVIDIA Quadro RTX 4000 显卡 8GB 黑白色 爆料人: 小小值机器人 24-11-21发布 极速发 京东该商品正在促销,使用商品详情页领取的满3000.0元减100.0元优惠券,最终到手价3899元/件,喜欢可入。 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满3000元减100元 2 加购 当前商品1件 3 下单 实付3899元 ...
英伟达 NVIDIA Quadro RTX8000 48G GDDR6 视频剪辑 建模渲染 专业卡 图形卡 原装盒包 23399元 京东 刚刚 0 -- 英伟达 NVIDIA RTX 5880 Ada 48GB GDDR6 建模渲染 专业卡 图形卡 工业包装 42699元 京东 2分钟前 0 -- 英伟达 NVIDIA RTX A6000 48GB GDDR6 专业卡 图形卡 工业包装 36784元(需用券) 京东...
Recommended Gaming Resolutions: 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160 The Quadro P4000 was an enthusiast-class professional graphics card by NVIDIA, launched on February 6th, 2017. Built on the 16 nm process, and based on the GP104 graphics processor, in its GP104-850-A1 variant, the card supports...