In my recent testing with NVIDIA’s new RTX 20xx GPU’s I had been focused on application performance. That included testing using the NVLINK bridge for direct GPU-to-GPU communication i.e. peer-to-peer (P2P). I deliberately used an older version of NVIDIA’s docker image for the ...
Enables GPU-to-GPU copies as well as loads and stores directly over the memory fabric (PCIe, NVLink). GPUDirect Peer to Peer is supported natively by the CUDA Driver. Developers should use the latest CUDA Toolkit and drivers on a system with two or more compatible devices. For more inform...
那个时候还是在读硕士,实验室是在做 peer to peer 的网络编码问题,传统的加速方法都采用 CPU,一般只能加速几个百分点就可以发文章。尝试用 CUDA 进行加速,比传统的 CPU 算法提高了几十倍,效果很明显。从那以后就跟 NVIDIA 结下不解之缘。开始在自己的博客上分享 CUDA 的编程经验,在网上分享了《GPU的革命》一...
某些工作负载要求位于同一节点(服务器)中的两个或多个 GPU 之间进行数据交换。在NVIDIA GPUDirect Peer to Peer技术不可用的情况下,来自源 GPU 的数据将首先通过 CPU 和 PCIe 总线复制到主机固定共享内存。然后,数据将通过 CPU 和 PCIe 总线从主机固定共享内存复制到目标 GPU 。请注意...
Peer-to-peer CUDA transfers over NVLink 注意事项:当需要确定主机物理图形处理器与虚拟机分配的vgpu之间的NVLink拓扑时,可在主机或虚拟机上执行以下命令: $ nvidia-smi topo -m NVIDIA GPUDirect® Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) technology GPUDirect Storage technology Unified Memory 注:默认关闭统一内存...
GPUDirect RDMA is a technology that provides a direct P2P (Peer-to-Peer) data path between the GPU Memory directly to/from the NVIDIA HCA devices. This provides a significant decrease in GPU-GPU communication latency and completely offloads the CPU, removing it from all GPU-GPU communications...
GPU Direct P2PGPU Direct Peer-to-Peer(P2P)技术允许同一节点上的GPU直接相互通信,无需通过CPU的...
2.7.1. vGPUs that Support Peer-to-Peer CUDA Transfers Only Q-series and C-series time-sliced vGPUs that are allocated all of the physical GPU's frame buffer on physical GPUs that support NVLink are supported. Peer-to-Peer CUDA Transfer Support on the NVIDIA Ampere GPU Architecture Bo...
一种通过多个QP共享接收缓冲区来减少接收缓冲区资源的方法 Per Peer QP:每个对等队列对 (QP) LID:本地标识符。 InfiniBand使用的L2地址(由SM分配) DLID:目的地 LID multi-swid:多开关 ID。 在单个 InfiniBand 交换机之上虚拟化多个交换机。 P_Key:分区键。 限制发送/接收或转发特定流量的 InfiniBand 方式(与...
NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, ConnectX, GPUDirect, HPC-X, Mellanox, Multi- Host, PeerDirect, Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP), and UCX are trademarks and/ or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names...