dpkg -i nvidia-peer-memory-dkms_1.2-0_all.deb (Reading database ... 155693 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack nvidia-peer-memory-dkms_1.2-0_all.deb ... Deleting module nv_peer_mem-1.2 completely from the DKMS...
6、安装nvidia-peer-memory gitclone https://github.com/Mellanox/nv_peer_memory.gitcd./nv_peer_memory ./build_module.shcd/tmptarxzf /tmp/nvidia-peer-memory_1.3.orig.tar.gzcdnvidia-peer-memory-1.3 dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc dpkg -i../nvidia-peer-memory-dkms_1.2-0_all.deb nv_peer_mem...
dpkg -i ../nvidia-peer-memory-dkms_1.1-0_all.deb 安装完成拷贝配置文件到系统路径中 cp /tmp/nvidia-peer-memory-1.1/nv_peer_mem.conf /etc/infiniband/ cp /tmp/nvidia-peer-memory-1.1/debian/tmp/etc/init.d/nv_peer_mem /etc/init.d/ 查看nv-peer-memory状态 /etc/init.d/nv_peer_mem/ st...
sudodnfinstall-ynvidia-mlnx-confignvidia-peer-memory-dkms Installing the nvidia-peermem-loader Package# Thenvidia-peermemkernel module registers the NVIDIA GPU with the InfiniBand subsystem by using peer-to-peer APIs provided by the NVIDIA GPU driver. This module, originally maintained by Mellanox ...
dpkg-buildpackage-us-ucsudodpkg-i../nvidia-peer-memory_1.1-0_all.debsudodpkg-i../nvidia-peer-memory-dkms_1.1-0_all.debsudoservicenv_peer_mem start Verify thenv_peer_memservice is running: sudoservicenv_peer_mem status Enable thenv_peer_memservice at boot time: ...
nvidia-peermem.ko. --- https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/515.43.04/README/kernel_open.html dkms # cat ./sign-nvidia #!/bin/bash for modfile in $(dirname $(modinfo -n nvidia))/*.ko; do echo "Signing $modfile" /usr/src/kernels/$(uname...
$ rmmod nvidia_peermem $ /etc/init.d/openibd stop Unloading HCA driver: [ OK ] $ cd ~/MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.4- $ ./uninstall.sh 4 .拆下 GPU 测试盒。 $ kubectl delete pod cuda-vectoradd pod "cuda-vectoradd" deleted ...
Copy output data from the CUDA device to the host memory Test PASSED Done 9 加载 nvidia peermem 驱动程序。它为 CONNECTX SmartNIC 提供 GPUDirect RDMA 。该驱动程序包含在 NVIDIA Linux GPU 驱动程序版本 470 及更高版本中。如果系统上同时存在 ib _ core 和 NVIDIA GPU 驱动程序源,则在 Linux 驱动...
如果版本不同的话可以自己变通一下 解包 反正就是,文件拖下来 给个可执行权限使用参数解压没什么好说的 root@pve:~/vgpu# wget http://fnos.makedie.net.kp:5244/d/volume1/OpenFolder/P106/kvm/17.5/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-550.144.02-vgpu-kvm.run ...
8 Feature Up to 50 Gigabit Ethernet Memory Overlay Networks RDMA and RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) NVIDIA PeerDirect™ CPU Offload Quality of Service (QoS) Hardware-based I/O Virtualization Description NVIDIA adapters comply with the following IEEE 802.3 standards: • 50GbE / 40GbE...