在Scaling 选项卡中,取消选中 Override the Scaling Mode Set by Games and Programs(Figure 7)。图7 返回页首 可切换 GPU 信息 较新的英特尔处理器 (CPU) 具有集成显卡处理器 (GPU):英特尔 — 集成显卡和独立显卡之间有何区别? Nvidia Optimus 是 Nvidia 公司...
在Scaling 选项卡中,取消选中 Override the Scaling Mode Set by Games and Programs(Figure 7)。图7 返回页首 可切换 GPU 信息 较新的英特尔处理器 (CPU) 具有集成显卡处理器 (GPU):英特尔 — 集成显卡和独立显卡之间有何区别? Nvidia Optimus 是 Nvidia 公司开发的一...
如果您想要性能和视觉效果的最佳组合,请确保您在 3D 设置中启用了 GPU 缩放,然后将此选项设置为纵横比。对于低分辨率游戏和像素游戏,请选择Integer Scaling。不要忘记通过在下面的下拉菜单中选择该选项来确保缩放是在 GPU 上执行的。最后,勾选Override the Scaling Mode Set By Games and Programs框。完成后,...
FP32 CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT TF32 A tensor core operation mode used to accelerate floating point convolutions or matmuls. This can be used for an operation with compute type CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, on NVIDIA Ampere architecture or later and be disabled with NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=1.Previous...
FP32 CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT TF32 A tensor core operation mode used to accelerate floating point convolutions or MatMuls. This can be used for an operation with compute type CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, on NVIDIA Ampere architecture or later and be disabled with NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=1.Previous...
To enable DLAA or DLSS Ultra Performance mode in games without native support: Ensure DLSS Super Resolution is enabled in the program, and then exit to the desktop Select “DLSS Override - Super Resolution” in NVIDIA app Select the mode you wish to use, click “Apply” ...
To enable DLAA or DLSS Ultra Performance mode in games without native support: Ensure DLSS Super Resolution is enabled in the program, and then exit to the desktop Select “DLSS Override - Super Resolution” in NVIDIA app Select the mode you wish to use, click “Apply” ...
GPU scaling does not add latency. It should be set to whatever you prefer, and the override should be enabled - because a handful of games do specify scaling modes (sometimes the wrong modes). If I recall correctly, MGSV: Ground Zeroes was one of them. It...
class Logger : public ILogger { void log(Severity severity, const char* msg) noexcept override { // suppress info-level messages if (severity <= Severity::kWARNING) std::cout << msg << std::endl; } } logger; You can then create an instance of the builder: IBuilder* build...
VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough (Maxwell) VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling (Pascal) Other extensions: VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage (Maxwell) VK_EXT_discard_rectangles Bug fixes to improve compatibility with shaders generated from HLSL February 9th, 2017 - Linux 375.27.10Bug...