NVIDIA NPP DEMO, including : warpAffine,bgr2rgb(bgrTorgb), hwc2chw(hwcTochw) etc. - NVIDIA_NPP_DEMO/build_npp_demo.sh at main · jnulzl/NVIDIA_NPP_DEMO
## NVIDIA 2D Image Performance Primitives (NPP) Demo 本仓库是[NVIDIA NPP](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/npp/group__nppi.html)的简单demo,例如:affine transform,normalize((x - u) * s), bgr2rgb, hwc2chw.你可以结合本仓以及NVIDIA NPP的官方文档进行更多操作 ## NVIDIA NPP的官方文档 1. [NPP...
nvBench:github.com/NVIDIA/nvben 5.4 nvBandwidth nvBandwidth是用于测量NVIDIA GPU 带宽的工具。使用复制引擎或内核复制方法测量不同链路上各种 memcpy 模式的带宽。nvbandwidth 报告系统上当前测量的带宽。可能需要额外的系统特定调整才能实现最大峰值带宽。 nvBandWidth:github.com/NVIDIA/nvban 5.5 Profile Visual Pro...
NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP) 库提供 GPU 加速的图像、视频和信号处理函数,其执行速度比仅使用 CPU 的实现快 30 倍。借助超过 5,000 个用于图像和信号处理的基元,您可以轻松执行颜色转换、图像压缩、过滤、阈值处理和图像处理等任务。 使用NPP 库,在计算机视觉、工业检测、机器人技术、医学成像、电信、深度...
16. The NPP library uses code from the Boost Math Toolkit, and is subject to the following license: Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying ...
Technical Blog: Leveraging the Hardware JPEG Decoder and NVIDIA nvJPEG Library on NVIDIA A100 GPUs Related libraries and software: NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP) NVIDIA GPU Cloud For questions or feedback, please contact nvjpeg@nvidia.com To make a ...
NPP现在为 DRIVE Thor 架构提供支持。 cudaStreamGetDevice 应用程序通常使用 CUDA 流提供对 GPU 资源的有序访问。CUDA 流实例与固定的 CUDA 设备相关联。在用于处理多台设备的应用中,在某些情况下,为给定流获取底层设备的句柄有助于根据设备特性定制应用。
‣ Added sample apps on GitHub demonstrating the use of NPP application managed stream contexts along with watershed segmentation and batched and compressed UF image label markers functions. NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit RN-06722-001 _v11.7 | 35 CUDA Libraries ‣ Added support for ...
NPP – NVIDIA Performance Primitives库 nvGRAPH – NVIDIA Graph Analytics库 NVML – NVIDIA管理库 NVRTC –用于CUDA C ++的NVIDIA Runtime Compilation库 GameWorks PhysX –是一个多平台游戏物理引擎 CUTLASS 1.0 –自定义线性代数算法 nvJPEG –混合JPEG处理 ...
Added watershedSegmentationNPP. Demonstrates how to use the NPP watershed segmentation function. Added batchedLabelMarkersAndLabelCompressionNPP. Demonstrates how to use the NPP label markers generation and label compression functions based on a Union Find (UF) algorithm including both single image and ...