NPP is a stateless API, as of NPP 6.5 the ONLY state that NPP remembers between function calls is the current stream ID, i.e. the stream ID that was set in the most recentnppSetStream()call and a few bits of device specific information about that stream. The default stream ID is 0...
NPP针对Image Processing和Signal Processing两种不同的目标,实现了两套不同的API供使用。其中Image Processing是与图像处理相关的API,而Signal Processing是与信号处理相关的API。 3.1 Image Processing Arithmetic and Logical 操作 1) Arithmetic 这个系列的API主要是与图形操作相关的算术运算,有AddC、Mul、MulC、MulSca...
NPP针对Image Processing和Signal Processing两种不同的目标,实现了两套不同的API供使用。其中Image Processing是与图像处理相关的API,而Signal Processing是与信号处理相关的API。 3.1 Image Processing Arithmetic and Logical 操作 1) Arithmetic 这个系列的API主要是与图形操作相关的算术运算,有AddC、Mul、MulC、MulSca...
NPP is a stateless API, as of NPP 6.5 the ONLY state that NPP remembers between function calls is the current stream ID, i.e. the stream ID that was set in the most recentnppSetStream()call and a few bits of device specific information about that stream. The default stream ID is 0...
对于NPP提供了API的操作内存空间是在device上的,所以不能将这些API应用于host中,但可以在host函数中调用。同时在NPP项目中需要添加include和library所需要的目录。 一般情况下需要添加cuda tookit的include目录,默认是:/usr/local/cuda-7.0/include; 对于library的文件,一般需要culibs和nppc_static两个库,其它库则根据...
NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP) The NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP) library provides GPU-accelerated image, video, and signal processing functions that perform up to 30x faster than CPU-only implementations. With over 5,000 primitives for image and signal processing, you can easily perform ...
Breaking API changes There are no breaking changes in this DALI release. Deprecated features No features were deprecated in this release. Known issues: The most recent nvImageCodec (0.4.0) is currently incompatible with DALI. Python wheel for DALI 1.44 pins the dependency to 0.3.0, but older...
nvGRAPH NCCL See More Libraries OpenACC CUDA Profiling Tools Interface See More Tools Domains with CUDA-Accelerated Applications CUDA accelerates applications across a wide range of domains from image processing, to deep learning, numerical analytics and computational science. ...
I'm trying to use NVIDIA NPP to experiment with some image resizing routines. I want to resize to an exact dimension. I've been looking at image resizing using NVIDIA NPP but all of its resize functions take scale factors for X and Y Dimensions, and I could not ...
我们的理解是:从NV本文的介绍来看, VPI从软件方面综合了CPU上的经典算法, GPU上的经典算法的加速实现,. 例如可能是OpenCV, CUDA kernel, 以及, 其他的Vulkan/EGL之类的标准, 甚至是这里没有提到过的NV的NPP(基本图像处理功能的加速库). 也就是从软件上说, 它是一个新兴的功能集大成者。