Tegra Linux Driver Package providing a kernel image, bootloader, NVIDIA drivers, and flashing utilities. For more information, see the Release Notes. Sample filesystem (example provided) Additional Information Notices Shellshock Security Update
X Resize, Rotate and Reflect Extension (RandR) 1.4 X11 Support U-Boot System Requirements Host PC running Ubuntu Linux version 14.04 is recommended. Tegra Linux Driver Package providing a kernel image, bootloader, NVIDIA drivers, and flashing utilities. For more information, see the Release Notes....
上一篇文章已经为Orion开发套件配置好Ubuntu 20.04 L4T(Linux for Tegra)桌面级操作系统,但是如下列所需要的开发资源并未安装: -CUDA工具包(toolkits); -CUDNN神经网络加速库: -TensorRT推理加速引擎; -OpenCV计算机视觉库; -VPI视觉开发界面; -DeepStream智能分析工具; 过去的AGX Xavier开发套件是需要透过headless(USB...
近日,NVIDIA为Jetson TX1芯片发布了一个Linux驱动的安全更新补丁,但没有提供该补丁修复问题的细节,不过有GifHub网友Triszka Balázs指出,NVIDIA通过这个补丁修复了一个严重安全漏洞,并称通过这个漏洞可以在Tegra(图睿)芯片上任意执行恶意代码。该漏洞名为SelfBlow,用于Tegra芯片的bootloader(系统启动前的引导程序)...
NVIDIA downstream Linux kernel source Jetson platforms in single-repo form, derived from the L4T R32.x series BSP - andium/linux-tegra-4.9
NVIDIA TEGRA X1:LINUX驱动程序包多媒体用户指南 转载请注明作者和出处:http://blog.csdn.net/u011475210 嵌入式平台:NVIDIA Jetson TX1 嵌入式系统:Ubuntu16.04 虚拟机系统:Ubuntu14.04 编者: WordZzzz 一、GSTREAMER-1.0 安装和配置 本部分内容将介绍如何安装和配置Gstreamer。
NVIDIA TEGRA X1:LINUX驱动程序包多媒体用户指南 转载请注明作者和出处:http://blog.csdn.net/u011475210 嵌入式平台:NVIDIA Jetson TX1 嵌入式系统:Ubuntu16.04 虚拟机系统:Ubuntu14.04 编者: WordZzzz 一、GSTREAMER-1.0 安装和配置 本部分内容将介绍如何安装和配置Gstreamer。
On Jetson Nano, when a GPIO is released (e.g. using the sysfs unexport file, the cleanup() function in the Jetson.GPIOPythonmodule, or the gpio_free() function in theLinuxkernel), the kernel configures the pin as a special function (SFIO) rather than as a GPIO input. In some cases...
【NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin教程2】配置操作系统 【NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin教程1】开发套件硬件介绍 上一篇文章已经为Orion开发套件配置好Ubuntu 20.04 L4T(Linux for Tegra)桌面级操作系统,但是如下列所需要的开发资源并未安装: - CUDA工具...
NVIDIA downstream Linux kernel for Jetson platforms in single-repo form, derived from L4T R35.x series BSP - laot007/linux-tegra-5.10