内核版本与显卡对应的内核版本不一致。首先,用uname -r查看当前内核版本是多少 然后,yum list all | grep kmod-nvidia*。找到对应你的内核的那个包 最后,yum install kmod-nvidia-2.6.35...(刚才那个包)。请参考:http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2010-11/29793.htm Good luck.多数情况下会...
6. Fedora 41/40/39 NVIDIA FAQ 6.1 NVIDIA + DKMS Kernel Upgrade on Fedora Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Buy me a coffee Subscribe and follow: Follow @inttf 6.2 NVIDIA Drivers Update/Downgrade/Reinstall on Fedora Support inttf: Buy Me a Coffee: Buy me a
fedora 下 安装 nvidia驱动,总是出错,最后的错误是 unable to load the kernel module 建议你还是安个 fedora 13,直接yum install kmod-nvidia 一切顺利还能把你内核升级一下。 fedora14 的内核是2.6.35可能nvidia还没有更新驱动所以支持不好能安装但启动不了3D支持。等
Note: If you are a beginnerFedorauser or prefer a more automated and easy method, we recommend you opt for theRPM Fusionmethod. However, if you are an experiencedFedorauser, you can installNVIDIA Driversmanually to get more control over the versions of your drivers that best suit your GPU....
I'm using Debian Sid, updated as of 1/17/14. When I initially installed Debian stable, I upgraded to testing. While I was using testing, I installed Bumblebee. After some time I upgraded to Sid. (Unstable.) At this point I was using the same exact kernel (which I'm still using ...
找到编译之后的模块并装载:modprob `find . -iname nvidia.ko`
In fedora 40 I found a workaround method: shutdown any process using nvidia decoding function before suspend or hibernate. vim /etc/systemd/system/systemd-suspend.service.wants/nvidia-suspend.service [Unit] Description=NVIDIA system suspend actions Before=systemd-suspend.service [Service] Type=oneshot...
Is the open kernel module better than the closed ones? In the future it might be temping to use open kernel module to avoid problems with kernel. If you’re talking about Nvidia’s official open GPU kernel modules, they work fine, but l...
Important:When you decide which installation method to use, stick to that one and do not use them interchangeably as you can cause system instability. Additionally, this guide will only work for official kernel versions. If you are using acustom-built Linux kernel, the installation may not be...
Fedora 39 Kernel 6.7.3-200.fc39.x86_64 All the problems started after running a routine ‘dnf update’. Multiple failed attempts at building 545 via akmods. Same error as above. After removing the rpmfusion nvidia drivers, they are now...