make -j8 KERNELRELEASE=5.19.16-602.inttf.fc37.x86_64 module KERNEL_UNAME=5.19.16-602.inttf.fc37.x86_64; make -C uvm module KERNEL_UNAME=5.19.16-602.inttf.fc37.x86_64 KBUILD_EXTMOD=/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/340.108/build/uvm...(bad exit status: 2) Error! Bad return sta...
内核版本与显卡对应的内核版本不一致。首先,用uname -r查看当前内核版本是多少 然后,yum list all | grep kmod-nvidia*。找到对应你的内核的那个包 最后,yum install kmod-nvidia-2.6.35...(刚才那个包)。请参考: Good luck.多数情况下会...
fedora 下 安装 nvidia驱动,总是出错,最后的错误是 unable to load the kernel module 建议你还是安个 fedora 13,直接yum install kmod-nvidia 一切顺利还能把你内核升级一下。 fedora14 的内核是2.6.35可能nvidia还没有更新驱动所以支持不好能安装但启动不了3D支持。等
Note: If you are a beginnerFedorauser or prefer a more automated and easy method, we recommend you opt for theRPM Fusionmethod. However, if you are an experiencedFedorauser, you can installNVIDIA Driversmanually to get more control over the versions of your drivers that best suit your GPU....
Themainbranch contains this README. The.specand.patchfiles can be found in the appropriaterhel7,rhel8, andfedorabranches. Table of Contents Deliverables This repo contains the.specfile used to build the followingRPMpackages: note:XXXis the first.delimited field in the driver version, ex:460in...
找到编译之后的模块并装载:modprob `find . -iname nvidia.ko`
For a complete list of distributions, kernel versions supported, see the CUDA Linux System Requirements documentation. Distribution Debian 11.x (where x <= 6) Debian 10. x (where x <= 13) OpenSUSE Leap 15.x (where y <= 4) Fedora 37 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.1 x86_64 Yes Yes Yes ...
Important:When you decide which installation method to use, stick to that one and do not use them interchangeably as you can cause system instability. Additionally, this guide will only work for official kernel versions. If you are using acustom-built Linux kernel, the installation may not be...
sudo yum install kernel kernel-tools kernel-headers kernel-devel sudo reboot 請安裝最新適用 Hyper-V 和 Azure 的 Linux Integration Services。 驗證 lspci 的結果以檢查是否需要 LIS。 如果所有 GPU 裝置都如預期般列出,則不需要安裝 LIS。 LIS 適用於 Red Hat Enterprise Linux、CentOS 和 Oracle Linux Red...
The GPU driver build system might not pick the Module.symvers file, produced when building the ofa_kernel module from MLNX_OFED, from the right subdirectory. Because of that, nvidia_peermem.ko does not have the right kernel symbol versions for the APIs exported by the IB core driver, and ...