If you choose to perform a network installation, the installation location must be on a shared file system accessible to all nodes. To Prepare for the Installation: After downloading the HPC SDK installation package, bring up a shell command window on your system. The installation instructions ass...
Installation directory? [/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk] /vol01/homes/hy26053/apps/nvhpcsdk Common local directory on all hosts for shared objects? [/vol01/homes/hy26053/apps/nvhpcsdk/Linux_x86_64/22.9/share_objects] Note: directory /vol01/homes/hy26053/apps/nvhpcsdk/Linux_x86_64/22.9/share_objects...
NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.9 安装指南说明书 DI-09975-001-V21.9 | September 2021
配置环境变量的方法可以打开下载页面的Documentation,在Installation Guide中查看,或者 打开环境变量文件(vim用法略过): vim ~/.bashrc 输入 NVARCH=`uname-s`_`uname-m`; export NVARCH NVCOMPILERS=/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk; export NVCOMPILERS MANPATH=$MANPATH:$NVCOMPILERS/$NVARCH/22.5/compilers/man; export MANP...
NVIDIA HPC SDK 23.5版发布说明说明书 RN-09976-001-V23.5 | May 2023
HPCSDK_LIBDIR=/lustre/fsw/devtech/hpc-devtech/alang/packages/nvhpc/nvhpc_2022_2211_Linux_x86_64_cuda_11.8-install/Linux_x86_64/2022/math_libs # build the code with PME GPU decomposition with cuFFTMp enabled, # in an environment with a CUDA-aware OpenMPI installation ...
The NVIDIA HPC SDK uses elements of the CUDA toolchain when building programs for execution with NVIDIA GPUs. Every HPC SDK installation package puts the required CUDA components into an installation directory called [install-prefix]/[arch]/[nvhpc-version]/cuda. ...
The NVIDIA HPC SDK includes a suite of GPU-accelerated math libraries for compute-intensive applications. The cuBLAS and cuSOLVER libraries provide GPU-optimized and multi-GPU implementations of all BLAS routines and core routines from LAPACK, automatically using NVIDIA GPU Tensor Cores where possible....
不太懂这个,也许参考一下官网教程?Installation Guide Version 23.11 (nvidia.com)
Greetings and welcome to the NVIDIA HPC Compilers forum. Post your questions and comments here pertaining to the NVIDIA C, C++ and Fortran HPC compilers, and to their interoperation with NVCC and other HPC SDK components.