泡泡网资讯频道3月5日 NVIDIA公司近日宣布,苹果公司的Mac全系列产品现在全面采用GeForce GPU。苹果公司随后正式宣布其新版iMac以及Mac mini机型现已配备了GeForce 9400M GPU。 苹果与NVIDIA深度合作(图片来自互联网) 据美国知名财经杂志《福布斯》网站撰文分析称,苹果对旗下多款硬件产品的升级将使图形芯片厂商NVIDIA受益。
Lightroom will not run well using the onboard Intel Iris GPU, consider switching to the discreet Nvidia GPU. I was surprised so clicked the apple top left - about this mac - support - Specifications to confirm I have it fitted and I do. I then clicked the apple again - about this mac...
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、
买mac的人还注重硬件?不就是为了一个标志一个系统嘛 USG圣室号 超凡入圣 15 纠正一下,不是苹果不用n卡。是老黄不和苹果合作了,因为老黄坚持不做半定制,不开放GPU架构代码授权,因为苹果要求开放给iOS,从中剽窃别人GPU架构,nvidia理论上不会允许苹果偷窥架构。因为苹果一直想研发GPU,所以AMD是最好下手的登录...
早在12年,国外很多论坛就开始了一股 DIY 外置 GPU (external GPU, eGPU) 的小浪潮。Thunderbolt 高速连接方案的发展,推动了 eGPU 的流行。 最早我也在很多论坛看过类似的介绍,包括从早期的 Thunderbolt 1 转 PCIe 1.0 到目前的 Thunderbolt 2 转 PCIe 2.0。显卡也从 680,780 一直到现在的 980,980Ti,Titan...
Nvidia announced that the current version of Cuda would be the last to support the Mac. Most Mac users don’t have Cuda on their Macs, but if you have an older Mac with an Nvidia GPU or you fitted an Nvidia card to a Mac Pro, then you may well have. And now that neither Apple ...
路透社:NVIDIA..RT二者的Windows on ARM SOC预计最早将于2025发布看起来WOA还是会精彩起来啊天下苦x86久矣两大GPU厂既然都下场搞,尤其是NV在gaming和生产力领域的影响力...WOA可能真的能起势了
I have a MacBook Pro (mid 2014) with nVidia GeForce GT750M GPU with 2GB of memory, Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB, Mojave 10.14.5. I am looking for a compatible nVidia driver and nVidia CUDA driver for the MacBook Pro to be able to render and export mo...
Last year with the previous MacOS I had the same problem at first, so I contacted NVIDIA's assistance to get help and they gave me the NVIDIA Driver Manager installer to keep the GPU updated. After that moment everything was working fine. Then with MacOS Mojave, I got the same problem....
Identify your NVIDIA GPU make and model before downloading the appropriate driver. Notă: mac0S 10.14 (Mojave) and later does not currently support CUDA so do not upgrade beyond macOS 10.13.6 if CUDA support is required. Requirements for CUDA 9.2 on macOS Versions Operating system macOS...