NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 2022年9月20日23点,英伟达GTC 2022 主题演讲正式发布颇受关注的RTX 4090显卡。 2022年10月15日星期六,GeForce RTX 4090 系列显卡将在线下正式开售。 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 2022年11月上市 影驰GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER新品4080S显卡 电竞游戏 京东 ¥8399.00 去购买 影驰GeForce RTX ...
前几个有消息指,英伟达已经停产了使用旧版GA106-300芯片的Geforce RTX 3060显卡,换上了全新的GA106-302芯片,同时加入更多限制机制,以此堵住因Driver for CUDA on SWL版的470.05 Beta驱动程序造成的缺口。新版GA106-302芯片的GeForce RTX 3060显卡将会在5月份上市,希望可以有效遏制挖矿行为。Igor'sLAB表示,早期...
*浮点性能* 浮点运算性能是衡量GPU处理器基本性能的方式,越高越好。 *像素率* 每一秒能渲染到显示屏的像素,越高越好。 *纹理填充率* 每一秒能渲染到显示屏的纹理像素,越高越好。 *浮点性能* 这是能把数据读取或写入到内存记忆的最高速度,越高越好。 *大众用户以浮点性能做参考最佳* 加关注 不迷路~...
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Ti vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 性能内存功能接口一般资讯 71 分 71 分 为什么Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070 Ti优于Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080? GPU时脉速度快140 MHz ?1580 MHzvs1440 MHz 散热设计功耗(TDP)低30W ?290Wvs320W 1 更新...
VS Nvidia RTX 3080 vs 微星RTX 3070 Ventus 2X VS Nvidia RTX 3080 vs 微星RX 6800 XT X Trio VS Nvidia RTX 3080 vs 索泰RTX 3080 Holo VS Nvidia RTX 3080 vs 技嘉RTX 3080 OC VS Nvidia RTX 3080 vs 微星RTX 3090 Ventus 3X OC VS Nvidia RTX 3080 vs Palit RTX 3070Pro OC VS Nvidia...
Download the latest driver for NVIDIA graphics cards, to ensure you have the best gaming experience and get the fastest performance. This NVIDIA GeForce driver download supports: GeForce RTX 4090, RTX 40 Super, RTX 4080, RTX 4070 Ti, RTX 4070, RTX 4060 Ti, RTX 4060 GeForce RTX 3090 Ti, ...
Card is INNO3D GEFORCE RTX 3060 TI ICHILL X3. 2 truth7shinjitsu 10mo 0 after hw error 2 times and 1 bsod on 552.22, the all setting on driver reset to default state lost all my configuration -*- 52x.xx never bsod for me on 10 series but it's so old now TT^...
Messages: 13,599 Likes Received: 388 GPU: GeForce RTX 3060 Ti This is weird... If I use SGSSAA and then use DxTory to record stuff, my FPS suddenly tanks to single digit numbers (or at least below 20 fps all the time). If I don't use SGSSAA everything is fine. Also fraps ...
I have MSI 2070 SUPER VENTUS OC and new drivers are causing bugcheck 0x133 crashes to me and according to memor y dumps, crash is happening in nvlddmkm.sys driver. I reverted to 456.71 and there are no more crashes. 460.XX drivers are not working stable for me. 1 awolCZ 1GeForce Gr...
Messages: 586 Likes Received: 8 GPU: MSI 3070 Ventus 3X maxio said: ↑ Thanks for the update. However something went wrong with this update. For some reason is broken. Weird font, right vertical scrollbar is missing. I had to rollback to "weird font" must be int...