I've spent a lot of time to try and get a GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER AERO ITX OC GPU passed through to a Windows 10 VM. I changed my AMD RX 570 for a Nvidia 1660 Super and immediately got 2 problems:1. The boot time for Proxmox got 1 min and 33 seconds longer. 2. I could not...
2.Win10自动安装驱动后,自行在英伟达官网下载最新版本的驱动进行安装,安装成功自动打开GeForce experience,登录后发现GeForce experience检测不到显卡驱动,卸载驱动又用GeForce安装了10/10发布的驱动,结果安装后还是显示要更新版本。 分享1赞 英伟达吧 沙漠家女盆友 ***真的没法了全都弄过了,还是登录不了英伟达是脑子...