程序设置中,针对每款不同的游戏,提供了非常丰富的设置项。在 GeForce Experience 中,NVIDIA 就提供了非常方便的一键优化设置 (Optimal Playable Settings),可以帮助不是很了解硬件,但热爱游戏的用户快速以合适的设置开启最佳的游戏体验,在 NVIDIA App 中,这个选项仍然得到了保留,配置分辨率和屏幕选项后点击“优化...
A11:任务管理器结束"NVIDIA GeForce Experience"、"NVIDIA Share.exe"、"NVIDIA ShadowPlay Helper"进程,再运行GeForce Experience,如果GeForce Experience依旧无反应,再次重复结束"GeForce Experience"、"NVIDIA Web Helper Service"进程 (一般是用了"跳过登录"的方法会出现,那么能用"ALT+Z"就没必要在意了,👇这个登录...
在GeForce Experience 中,NVIDIA 就提供了非常方便的一键优化设置 (Optimal Playable Settings),可以帮助不是很了解硬件,但热爱游戏的用户快速以合适的设置开启最佳的游戏体验,在 NVIDIA App 中,这个选项仍然得到了保留,配置分辨率和屏幕选项后点击“优化“即可。 通过点击该页面的右上角三个点,还能够快速打开文件位置或...
Новоеввыпуске GeForce Experience 3.26 Support for Portal with RTX GeForce Experience is updated to offer full feature support forPortal with RTX, a free DLC for all Portal owners. This includes Shadowplay to record your best moments, graphics settings for optimal performance and ...
Antes do NVIDIA RTX Experience, eu não tinha um software que facilitava a gravação de vídeos e o compartilhamento com os programadores. Agora eu tenho! - Thomas Demmelmaier, Fotógrafo Receber alertas quando os drivers mais recentes estão disponíveis e poder baixá-los diretamente ...
他们可以访问Optimal Playable Settings(最佳可玩设置)及相关的控制面板选项,并可调节显示设备、启用G-SYNC、使用AI增强视频,以及在界面中微调GPU性能。 NVIDIA解释说,这款统一应用的响应速度比GeForce Experience快50%,安装时间也缩短了一半。此外,应用程序还推出了重新设计的游戏内覆盖层,简化了访问游戏录制工具的操作...
ON– This option can be used if you experience stuttering when playing in ultra-low latency mode. In this mode, only one frame can be queued at a time. Which is equal to setting Max_Prerendered_Frames to 1 in older NVIDIA drivers. ...
Additionally, using NVIDIA's game profiles in GeForce Experience can automatically adjust settings for optimal performance in different games. 5. MSI Afterburner (Most Detail) Last but definitely not least due to its vast utility, there are various third-party programs that can show an in-game ...
An ultra-efficient mode that delivers the same great 30+ FPS experience, but with up to 2x longer battery life while gaming. Read More Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) An NVIDIA technology that lets gamers use higher resolutions and settings while still maintaining solid framerates. ...
The following BIOS settings should be enabled on your system to ensure optimal performance for certification testing. CPU Virtualization may be required in environments where Virtual Machines are in use. PCIe relaxed ordering (RO) can improve performance by allowing the path between the Requestor and...