nvidia-docker目前还不支持在Windows上进行安装使用,所以想在Windows Docker中使用CUDA和Nvidia GPU的进行开发小伙伴,最好是转移到Linux下;或直接使用物理机进行开发。 参考资料和推荐阅读: [1].
1、安装 Toolbox 最新版 Toolbox 下载地址:https://www.docker.com/get-docker 点击Download Desktop and Take a Tutorial,并下载 Windows 的版本,如果你还没有登录,会要求注册登录: image image image 2、运行安装文件 双击下载的 Docker for Windows Installer 安装文件,一路 Next,点击 Finish 完成安装。 image...
1、首先下载nvidia驱动NVIDIA-LINUX-x86_64-418.181.07.run2、该docker版本支持的nvidia-docker版本:1版本 nvidia-docker-1.0.1-1.x86_64.rpm 3、docker测试镜像:docker pullnvidia/cuda:9.0-base下载好之后保存镜像,以便传到服务器: docker save nvidia/cuda:9.0-base > nvidia.tar 1. 4、下载安装依赖: 要装...
4.3) 安装 nvidia-docker2 sudoapt-getupdatesudoapt-getinstall-y nvidia-docker2# 重启 docker# sudo systemctl restart docker# WSL2sudoservicedocker stopsudoservicedocker start 4.4) 测试 nvidia-docker2 是否安装成功, 中间可能需要重启 sudodocker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.0-base nvidia-smi...
Can nvidia-docker be used on Windows ? If so, what should be the name of the image issued to docker pull? Or can I use an Ubuntu image and install CUDA SDK and drivers for it to use the GPU ? Copy link Member flx42 commented Jul 13, 2017 It's not officially supported, see #1...
i am using docker desktop and WSL and i am triying to get this to run, i installed it following the steps in the linux installation guide and i keep getting this error: sudo docker run --rm -it \ --device nvidia.com/gpu=all \ -e CUDA=tru...
.works on Linux (CPU version/GPU version), Windows (CPU version) and OS X (CPU version) and their Dockerfile generator that .allows you tocustomize your own environmentwith Lego-like modules .automatically resolves the dependencies for you ...
windows11下的界面如下: image.png 没有打开前是这样的: PS C:\Users\DELL>wsl.exe--status 默认分发:docker-desktop-data默认版本:2适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统最后更新于2022/3/15适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统内核可以使用“wsl--update”手动更新,但由于你的系统设置,无法进行自动更新。
除了DirectX 和 CUDA 支持之外, NVIDIA 还增加了对 WSL2 中的 NVIDIA 容器工具包(以前是 NVIDIA -docker2 )的支持。数据科学家准备在 Linux 本地硬件下运行或在云端执行的容器化 GPU 工作负载现在可以在 Windows PC 上的 WSL2 中运行。 WSL 不需要特定的包。 NVIDIA 运行时库( libNVIDIA -container )可以动...
Hi - I was able to get the tensorflow docker image running - if that’s your question. I checked the GPU was exposed in it, and was able to run some test cases. I was also able to install CUDA natively on the WSL (and also on Windows) and run the BlackScho...