AU $349.95 Buy Now * Google ecosystem includes the Google Assistant, Google Play Movies and TV app, Google Music app, Google photos, and access to Google calendar. † Requires SHIELD Controller or Google Home Mini or Amazon Echo ‡ Not available for all appsMore...
* Google ecosystem includes the Google Assistant, Google Play Movies and TV app, Google Music app, Google photos, and access to Google calendar. Amazon ecosystem includes Alexa voice assistant with Amazon Echo device linked to SHIELD, Prime Video app, and Amazon Music app. ...
* Google ecosystem includes the Google Assistant, Google Play Movies and TV app, Google Music app, Google photos, and access to Google calendar. Amazon ecosystem includes Alexa voice assistant with Amazon Echo device linked to SHIELD, Prime Video app, and Amazon Music app. ...
银河奇异果和VLC播放器是一定要安装的,其他就看各自需求吧。SHIELD支持从U盘安装APP,所以应用来源并不用担心。 有强大的TX1加持,解码4K及蓝光RIP无压力。 小结 作为NVIDIA的亲儿子,SHIELD是被寄予厚望的。加上TX1的潜能,我认为后续应该会有更多的游戏和应用移植过来。
NVIDIA DOCA App Shield Sample Guide MLNX-15-060521 _v1.5.1 | November 2022 Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction... 1 Chapter 2. Dependencies...
Description: The NVIDIA SHIELD TV app lets you log in to your favorite GeForce NOW games on SHIELD even faster. The app gives you instant access to a virtual m…
NVIDIA DOCA App Shield MLNX-15-060508 _v1.2 商品说明书 MLNX-15-060508 _v1.2 | January 2022NVIDIA DOCA App Shield Programming Guide
NVIDIA DOCA App Shield MLNX-15-060521 _v1.5.1 指南说明 MLNX-15-060521 _v1.5.1 | November 2022NVIDIA DOCA App Shield Sample Guide
专为NVIDIA SHIELD设备定制。 功能特色 SHIELD 集娱乐和游戏于一体,采用全球最先进的 NVIDIA 技术,提供震撼的 Android 和 PC游戏平台,让玩家随时随地无限畅玩。 SHIELD Hub 协助您发现最精彩的、经 SHIELD 优化的Google Play游戏,并将您的 PC 游戏通过互联网串流至 SHIELD 设备。
NVIDIA Shield Experience 7.2.2 update adds an option to automatically switch color modes Last month, the Shield Experience 7.2 update rolled out. Today, another update is hitting the NVIDIA Shield Android TV set-top box. By Joe Fedewa Jan 9, 2019 HBO Go's Android TV app is now availabl...