3D Antialiasing SettingsPerformance and Compatibility Options通常情况下,不需要改动这里的设置。“ Fog table emulation ”在默认情况下是打开的,除非游 15、戏中的表现不正常,才改动设置。Mipmapping这里可以设定MIP贴图时的细节等级,级别越高,贴图越精确,耗资源也越多。不过建议设为最高级,因为这里对性能的影响不...
SLI Antialiasing is a new standalone SLI rendering mode that offers up to double the antialiasing performance by splitting the antialiasing workload between the two graphics cards. When enabled, SLI Antialiasing offers 2 new antialiasing settings: SLI8x and SLI16x. If you own a Quad SLI PC,...
UI scaling can be a bit fiddly if you want to keep things the same size when downsampling, but it's doable - made a guide a while back (also useful for...
XeSS 1.3还全面升级了画质/性能预设,超高质量、质量、平衡、性能的缩放比例分别从1.3x、1.5x、1.7x、2.0x提高到了1.5x、1.7x、2.0x、2.3x。 同时,新版增加了三种新的预设,一是原生抗锯齿(Native Anti-Aliasing),缩放比例1.0x,也就是原生分辨率。 二是超高质量加强(Ultra Quality Plus),缩放比例1.3x,相当于原来...
improved Mass Effect 3 override anti-aliasing performance... Give them a try, I wonder if it fixes the problem. Last edited: May 22, 2012 Cyberdyne, May 22, 2012 #232 MrBonk Guest Messages: 3,385 Likes Received: 284 GPU: Gigabyte 3080 Ti sparrow1911 said: ↑ Too blury with...
Application Controlled - The application itself controls anti-aliasing settings and techniques. The display driver does not override or enhance the anti-aliasing setting the application configures. Override Application Setting - The display drivers overrides the anti-aliasing setting of the application. Thi...
4、打开NVIDIA的驱动程序界面,点击“管理3D设置”选项,就可以看到多了一个“AntialiasingFXAA”的选项如图2,在其后的下拉菜单选择“开”即可打开FXAA特效#160#160#160 为了让FXAA只针对特定的游戏有效,可以不。5、方法是在桌面,右键点击NVIDIA控制面板,进入上图中的设置菜单,点击管理3D设置然后再全局...
These are the actual anti-aliasing settings. Antialiasing – Mode allows for application-controlled (doesn’t make any changes), Enhance the application setting (enhances the game’s current AA), and Override the application setting (bypassing the game’s AA and forcing its own)....
DLAA 的 AA 是 Anti Aliasing,抗锯齿化的意思。原理是生成超过你分辨率的画面,再硬投到你屏幕上。就是反向的 Upscaling 或 DLSS,是牺牲性能增加画质的。 11楼2024-10-07 22:49 回复 553366 白色空魂 1 我用了感觉差距特别大,试验了两周,感觉差距不大的原因是enb的smaa和dlaa重叠,导致效果不明显,我用白...
nvidia-settings --query FSAA Query the value of the full-screen antialiasing setting. nvidia-settings --assign RedGamma=2.0 --assign BlueGamma=2.0 --assign GreenGamma=2.0 Set the gamma of the screen to 2.0. AUTHOR Aaron Plattner NVIDIA Corporation ...