With NVIDIA AI, media streaming platforms are using generative AI to customize interfaces, recommend content, and automate video production, enhancing user experiences and achieving high-quality streaming, low latency, scalability, and energy efficiency. ...
NVIDIA 人工智慧是全球最先進的生成式 AI 平台,不但為企業領袖而生,其全方位生態系可助您獲得所需的 AI 工具、訓練和技術資源,藉此加速開發生成式 AI 應用程式。
“Generative AI is driving the fast adoption of AI and reinventing countless industries,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. “NVIDIA AI Foundations let enterprises customize foundation models with their own data to generate humanity’s most valuable reso...
为了让你深入了解Generative AI的概念、应用以及这一激动人心领域中的挑战与机遇,NVIDIA DLI上架了新的免费课程《Generative AI Explained》。通过本课程,你将深入了解Generative AI的实际应用和潜在价值,为你的职业生涯和个人兴趣领域提供无限的机会。无论你是科技爱好者、艺术家、企业家还是学生,Generative AI都将成为你...
利用NVIDIA Jetson 实现生成式 AI 近日,NVIDIA 发布了 Jetson 生成式 AI 实验室(Jetson Generative AI Lab),使开发者能够通过NVIDIA Jetson边缘设备在现实世界中探索生成式 AI 的无限可能性。不同于其他嵌入式平台,Jetson 能够在本地运行大语言模型(LLM)、视觉 Transformer 和 stable diffusion,包括在Jetson AGX ...
NVIDIA today announced Google Cloud is integrating the newly launched L4 GPU and Vertex AI to accelerate the work of companies building a rapidly expanding number of generative AI applications.
Generative AI for large language and visual models As mentioned above, NVIDIA NeMo and Picasso will be used by Getty Images, Morningstar, Quantiphi, and Shutterstock to harness the algorithm for improving internal domain tasks by feeding it with proprietary and real-time data. Although this doesn...
【GTC 2024】What’s Next in Generative AI 会议要点 -Manuvir Das,NVIDIA 企业计算副总裁 -Brad Lightca,OpenAI 首席运营官 OpenAI的角色与日常工作 Brad Lightca 作为 OpenAI 的 COO,他的工作重点是将实验室中的研究转化为能够服务于客户、用户和合作伙伴的实际应用。他大部分时间都在与客户接触,探索技术如何...
这些最新的发展促使NVIDIA创建了Jetson Generative AI Playground,旨在使在边缘计算硬件上运行尖端生成算法变得简单。只需花费几百美元购置硬件,生成AI游乐场就可以让任何人在本地运行基于LLM的聊天机器人或图像生成模型。也许我们终于可以告别旧的“我们正在经历异常高的需求”消息了。
NVIDIA(英伟达)在GTC 2023上邀请了多位AI领域的重磅嘉宾参与,并详细介绍了其在芯片、自动驾驶、人工智能方向的落地应用。本文重点介绍其中一个研讨(3D by AI: Using Generative AI and NeRFs for Building Virtu…