NVIDIA 的开源推理生态系统在提供出色的 AI 性能的同时降低成本,并具有可扩展性。 人工智能 | 博客 借助Blackwell RTX PRO 系列 GPU 和 NVIDIA NIM 加速 AI 开发 在GTC 大会上,NVIDIA 推出了适用于 PC 和工作站的全新专业级 GPU 和 AI 开发者工具,以及面向创作者和游戏玩家的最新更新。
但觉得没这个简洁明快,一般能用alt+R的我都用它了 现在就是部分游戏不显示帧数,不知道怎么破 ...
只需按下Alt+F1即可捕获放大或缩小的最终图像、增加NIS图像缩放(image scaling)如果勾选覆盖显示器(需支持该技术的显示器,应该)一旦NIS能够顺利开启,屏幕左上角会显示NIS的标识,这时候将游戏中的渲染分辨率降低,当NIS为绿色,则代表NIS已经顺利启动;NIS为蓝色,则代表NIS只启动了锐化,没有启动缩放功能 3.25:支持NVIDI...
Alternatively, you can also enable the NIS solution from the in-game menu (if the game supports it). By pressing Alt +F3 while playing the game, you can manually adjust the degree of sharpening during your gameplay sessions. This will enable you to spot the difference in image clarity betw...
So these 12 different ways to fix GeForce Alt + Z are not working on Windows. We hope you find the post helpful. However, if the problem persists, it can be due to NVIDIA Share.exe running on Integrated Graphics. To fix it, enable hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling, > select the app...
The default size of the buffer is 32 KB. The buffer size is specified by the buffer_bytes_max member of the structure tegra_alt_pcm_hardware in the Linux kernel source file: kernel/3rdparty/canonical/linux-jammy/kernel-source/sound/soc/tegra/tegra_pcm.c ...
NVIDIA App Alt + Z overlay not working SpYrOxD1 1mo When i first installed the app, some months ago on the C disk it all would work great. After some months i noticed the shadowplay would deactive itself after some minutes and, for some reason if i were to unplug my D...
ALT+R打不开性能监测有人碰到过吗? 只看楼主 收藏 回复ff10086ff 初学乍练 2 昨天还刚在用 今天一打开就不行了 系统会有“噔”一下的那个提示音 JaafarZ 傲视群雄 10 改组合键应该没什么用,启用实验性功能试试噔噔蹬0.0 7ZNJZ2 不堪一击 1 我换了驱动就打开不了了 有办法吗 贴吧用户_055U...
Log-off via CTRL+ALT+DEL Login again and I've a working NVIDIA mode again Switching back to Intel will need me to repeat the above steps I'd like to minimize this stuff where possible. Do note I'm new to using multiple GPU's and xorg config in general so I apologize for not recor...
Description: The kernel in CentOS 7.6alt (for non-x86 architectures) is different than that of RHEL 7.6alt. Some of the MLNX_OFED kernel modules that were built for the RHEL7.6alt kernel will not load on a system with Centos7.6alt kernel. If you want to install MLNX_OFED on such a sy...