探索AI 推理解决方案 语音AI 构建实时对话式 AI 工作流。 支持多种语言,具备超高的准确性。 使用特定领域的词汇和品牌语音内容定制模型。 探索语音 AI 解决方案 视觉AI 利用功能强大、云原生、API 驱动的基础模组加速开发。 创建高性能、高度准确的 AI 应用。
AI jobs at every scale. Spectrum-X enables advanced cloud multi-tenancy and zero-trust security. As a reference design, NVIDIA has designed Israel-1, a hyperscale generative AI supercomputer built with Dell PowerEdge XE9680 servers based on the NVIDIA HGX 8-GPU platform, BlueField-3 DPUs, ...
ADLINK's NVIDIA Jetson Platforms, such as Edge AI Vision Box PC, Edge Inference Platform, AI Smart Camera, ROS 2 Controller, have the power to boost performance of a wide-range of AI application. Take a look.
PAI-ChatLearn是阿里云人工智能平台 PAI (Platform of AI) 团队自主研发,灵活易用、大规模模型 RLHF 高效训练框架。PAI-ChatLearn支持大模型进行 SFT(有监督指令微调)、RM(奖励模型)、RLHF(基于人类反馈的强化学习)完整训练流程。PAI-ChatLearn采用了多种并行计算技术,突破了已有框架只适用单模型训练/推理的局限,支...
COMPUTEX 2024:NVIDIA AI连环招,游戏原来可以这么玩 在COMPUTEX 2024开展前夕,NVIDIA创始人兼CEO黄仁勋做面向专业领域的主题演讲同时,NVIDIA在游戏GPU、AI也发生了全面的变化,无论台式机还是笔记本都将进一步向AI PC靠拢。在前期的媒体沟通会上,我们了解到了一系列NVIDIA对游戏的新玩法,在COMPUTEX 2024开展之际,不妨一...
NVIDIA® Jetson™ is used by professional developers to create breakthrough AI products across all industries, and by students and enthusiasts for hands-on AI learning and making amazing projects.The Jetson platform includes small, power-efficient production modules and developer kits that offer ...
The Jetson platform includes small, power-efficient production modules and developer kits that offer the most comprehensive AI software stack for high-performance acceleration to power generative AI at the edge, NVIDIA Metropolis and the Isaac platform. ...
NVIDIA AI Workbench平台介绍 8月9日,全球AI领导者英伟达(NVIDIA)在官网宣布,推出NVIDIA AI Workbench(以下简称“NAW”)以帮助开发人员快速部署、开发生成式AI和大语言模型。(申请使用地址:https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/deep-learning-ai/solutions/data-science/workbench/) ...
CUDA-X AI库兼容性强,支持在台式机、工作站、服务器、云计算及IoT设备中的NVIDIA GPU上部署,实现多设备协同工作,助力AI应用广泛落地。 性能飞跃:与NVIDIA Tensor Core GPU完美融合,大幅加速AI应用程序的开发与部署,效率卓越。 CUDA-X AI赋能开发者,释放GPU强大算力,加速工作效率,畅享卓越性能提升。无论是创新应用...