By now you must be wondering what a pro-vis graphics card is doing on TechPowerUp, and you'd be right in thinking so—this is technically the first time we're testing a professional graphics card, but this is not a professional graphics card review. I mentioned the price early on becau...
The GPU is operating at a frequency of 562 MHz, which can be boosted up to 1200 MHz, memory is running at 1500 MHz (12 Gbps effective). Being a dual-slot card, the NVIDIA RTX A2000 does not require any additional power connector, its power draw is rated at 70 W maximum. Display...
性能影响:英伟达全球公关总监 Ben Berraondo 称该问题对图形性能的平均影响为 4%,在极端场景下如 TechPowerUp 测试的《赛博朋克 2077》4K 光追场景性能损失可达 5% 以上,对人工智能和计算工作负载没有影响。 官方回应:英伟达表示这是一个生产异常和质量控制问题,导致少数有缺陷的 GB202 和 GB203 芯片通过检验并用...
总线域网络NVLink的主要特征是要在超节点范围内实现内存语义级通信和总线域网络内部的内存共享,它本质上是一个Load-Store网络,是传统总线网络规模扩大以后的自然演进。从NVLink接口的演进历程可以看出,其1.0~3.0版本明显是对标PCIE的,而4.0版本实际上对标InfiniBand和Ethernet的应用场景,但其主要目标还是实现GPU的Scale U...
而TechPowerUp网站在对9600 GT的测试当中,发现了这 分享6赞 nvidia吧 Slince丶初 【求助】gtx860m显卡更新驱动后nvidia inspector软件不能超频!我用的gtx860m显卡,更新347.25驱动后,nvidia inspector软件频率和gpu条只能点,但不能拖动,求大神帮忙看看是设置问题还是驱动问题,万谢 分享53赞 显卡吧 凉宫春日的ps2 ...
首先我们先看看GTX1080的规格(表格来自Techpowerup)。相对于上一代产品GTX980,GTX1080的流处理器从2048上涨了25%达到了2560个,从百分比上来说其实要较GK104到GM204的升级少,但是频率的提升却十分恐怖:从1126MHz的基础频率一路狂奔到1607Mhz,提升超过了40%,并且得益于全新的GPU Boost 3.0机制,部分体质较好的GTX1080...
楼下慢慢来介绍及性能预估 资料全部来源于http://www.techpowerup.com的移动GPU数据库。 分享921 微星吧 尉kiner🌟 2014年12月最新笔记本显卡排名均以游戏评测为排名标准。 单卡排名 1. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M 核心:Maxwell 核心频率:1038 显存频率:5000 显存位宽:256 支持DirectX:11.2 3DMark11 分享262 ...
raytracing acceleration cores. NVIDIA has paired 12 GB GDDR6 memory with the RTX A2000 12 GB, which are connected using a 192-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 562 MHz, which can be boosted up to 1200 MHz, memory is running at 1500 MHz (12 Gbps effective)...
raytracing acceleration cores. NVIDIA has paired 4 GB GDDR6 memory with the RTX A2000 Mobile, which are connected using a 128-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 1215 MHz, which can be boosted up to 1687 MHz, memory is running at 1500 MHz (12 Gbps effective)...
视频渲染3D 分享3赞 图拉丁交易区吧 友聚娃哥广州 GPU-Z 2.47.0升级发布:假N卡无所遁形TechPowerUP出品的显卡识别测试软件GPU-Z今天发布了最新的2.47.0版本,更新内容非常丰富。 除了增加对NVIDIA、AMD、Intel新产品的支持,修复多个问题,还改进了对Intel Arc锐炫显卡的支持,支持多个假冒NVIDIA核心显卡的识别,甚至还...