NVIDIA A100 TENSOR CORE GPU UNPRECEDENTED SCALE AT EVERY SCALE The Most Powerful Compute Platform for Every Workload The NVIDIA® A100 Tensor Core GPU delivers unprecedented acceleration—at every scale—to power the world's highest- performing elastic data centers for AI, data analytics, and ...
NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU delivers unprecedented acceleration at every scale to power the world’s highest-performing elastic data centers for AI, data analytics, and HPC. Powered by the NVIDIA Ampere Architecture, A100 is the engine of the NVIDIA data center platform. A100 provides up to 20X...
A100中的Tensor Core可以為稀疏模型提供高達2倍的效能。雖然稀疏性功能更容易使AI推論受益,但它也可以提高模型訓練的效能。 多執行個體GPU 最佳化GPU使用率 一個A100 GPU可以劃分為多達七個GPU應用個體,它們在硬件層完全隔離,並擁有專屬的高頻寬記憶體,緩衝記憶體和運算核心。多執行個體 GPU(MIG)為開發人員提供了針...
A100 Tensor Core GPU具有108条短信息,峰值FP64吞吐量为19.5tflops,是Tesla V100的2.5倍。 4、A100 GPU引入了细粒度结构稀疏性 新精度的引入是A100的深度学习运算效率提高的关键之一。而另一个运算效率提高的关键是第三代Tensor Core的结构化稀疏特性,稀疏方法是指通过从神经网络中提取尽可能多不需要的参数,来压缩...
NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU 可针对 AI、数据分析和 HPC 应用场景,在不同规模下实现出色的加速,有效助力更高性能的弹性数据中心。A100 采用 NVIDIA Ampere 架构,是 NVIDIA 数据中心平台的引擎。A100 的性能比上一代产品提升高达 20 倍,并可划分为七个 GPU 实例,以根据变化的需求进行动态调整。A100 提供 ...
The NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU delivers unprecedented acceleration at every scale for AI, data analytics, and high-performance computing (HPC) to tackle the world’s toughest computing challenges. As the engine of the NVIDIA data center platform, A100 can efficiently scale to thousands of GPUs ...
NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU Architecture UNPRECEDENTED ACCELERATION AT EVERY SCALE V1.0 Table of Contents Introduction 7 Introducing NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU - our 8th Generation Data Center GPU for the Age of Elastic Computing 9 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU Overview 11 Next-generation Data ...
DATASHEET NVIDIA A100 TENSOR CORE GPU Unprecedented Acceleration at Every Scale The Most Powerful Compute Platform for Every Workload The NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU delivers unprecedented acceleration—at every scale—to power the world's highest- performing elastic data centers for AI, data ...
NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU 可针对 AI、数据分析和高性能计算 (HPC),在各种规模上实现出色的加速,应对极其严峻的计算挑战。作为 NVIDIA 数据中心平台的引擎,A100 可以高效扩展,系统中可以集成数千个 A100 GPU,也可以利用 NVIDIA 多实例 GPU (MIG) 技术将每个 A100 划分割为七个独立的 GPU 实例,以加速各种规模...
NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU 基于最新的 Ampere 架构,相比上一代 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU 增加了了许多新特性,在 HPC,AI 和数据分析领域都有更好的表现。 A100 为 GPU 计算和深度学习应用提供了超强扩展性,可以运行在单卡或多卡 GPU 工作站、服务器、集群、云数据中心、 边缘计算系统以及超算中心。A100 GPU 可...