NVIDIA Unveils New Weapon of Choice for Gamers -- the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti GPU GPU Powered by NVIDIA Kepler -- World's Fastest, Most Efficient Graphics Architecture -- Starts at $299; Includes Free Copy of Upcoming Borderlands 2 SANTA CLARA, CA -- The NVIDIA® Kepler™ ...
Equipment The following equipment and documentation are included in the GeForce GTX 660 Ti graphics card box. NVIDIA Driver Installation Disc Contains: • Windows 7, XP, and Vista (32/64-bit) drivers for the GeForce graphics card. For other operating systems and to keep your drivers current,...
GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE 0x0282 GeForce4 4200 Go 0x0286 Quadro4 980 XGL 0x0288 Quadro4 780 XGL 0x0289 Quadro4 700 GoGL 0x028C The 71.86.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs: Note: Support for the 71.86.xx series is discontinued. No further releases from this series are pla...
NVIDIA英伟达Geforce Hotfix Driver显卡驱动536.09 Hotfix版For Win10-64/Win11(2023年6月4日发布) 不久前,随着《暗黑破坏神4》开启抢先体验,NVIDIA推送了535.98显卡驱动,对游戏进行了针对性的优化。 但该驱动却意外导致不少用户遇到了黑屏、闪屏等一系列问题。
NVIDIA GeForce Security Update Driver 475.14版驱动发布,属于常规安全更新,支持如下显卡型号: NVIDIA TITAN系列: GeForce GTX TITAN, GeForce GTX TITAN Black, GeForce GTX TITAN Z GeForce 700系列: GeForce GTX 780 Ti, GeForce GTX 780, GeForce GTX 770, GeForce GTX 760, GeForce GTX 760 Ti (OEM), GeFo...
Geforce Game Ready Driver是NVIDIA针对游戏优化发布的一款游戏显卡驱动,涵盖GeForce 400系列到10系列,当然还有TITAN系列游戏显卡,使用该显卡驱动可让游戏性能更好。 注:是中文版,以下为图示 NVIDIA发布了GeForce Game Ready 388.71 WHQL正式版驱动,不仅为PUBG的正式版优化,也是今年的最后一版显卡驱动。
NVIDIA, today finally launched its GeForce GTX 660 Ti graphics card which offers the best price to performance ratio in mid-range gaming. The GTX 660 Ti uses the third iteration of the GK104 core architecture codenamed "GK104-300-KD-A2".Technically, the card features the same specifications...
NVIDIA英伟达Geforce Game Ready Driver显卡驱动461.92版For Win10-64(2021年3月17日发布) 上周末,暴雪发布了新版的《守望先锋》公众测试服补丁,添加了对NVIDIA Reflex技术的支持,以降低系统延迟。NVIDIA方面,今天发布的GeForce Game Ready 461.92 WHQL驱动也对《守望先锋》进行了优化支持,开启NVIDIA Reflex后,系统延迟最...
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti Graphics Card review with benchmark scores. See how it compares with other popular models.
I'm not a fan of artificial driver limitations. I hope nVidia sees the light and lets all users enable two monitor surround setups, not just MST tiles for 4k displays. lucas1024 - Thursday, July 18, 2013 - link The issues with GTX 560 Ti are still unresolved, last stable version is ...