Being a dual-slot card, the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 draws power from 1x 6-pin power connector, with power draw rated at 140 W maximum. Display outputs include: 2x DVI, 1x HDMI 1.4a, 1x DisplayPort 1.2. GeForce GTX 660 is connected to the rest of the system using a PCI-Express 3.0...
下载次数:3265 驱动种类:官方正式版 操作系统:Win10-64 适应硬件:NVIDIA英伟达GeForce GTX 660显卡 驱动说明 NVIDIA英伟达GeForce GTX 660显卡驱动466.11版For Win10-64(2021年4月15日发布) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660显卡最新驱动,适用于Win10-64系统。 纠错...
Free NVidia GeForce GTX 660 Game Ready Driver v.471.96. To download this file click 'Download'Add NVidia GeForce GTX 660 Game Ready Driver 471.96 to your drivers list Category:Video Manufacturer:NVidia Hardware:NVidia GeForce GTX 660 Software type:...
The GeForce GTX 660M was a mobile graphics chip by NVIDIA, launched on March 22nd, 2012. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the GK107 graphics processor, in its N13E-GE-A2 variant, the chip supports DirectX 12. Even though it supports DirectX 12, the feature level is only 11...
NVIDIA英伟达GeForce GTX 660显卡驱动472.12版For Win10-64/Win11(2021年9月21日发布) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660显卡最新驱动,适用于Win10-64系统。 NVIDIA官方为此显卡发布的最后一款正式版驱动,此后该显卡不会再获得性能提升、功能增加、Bug修复等,但会继续提供紧急安全更新,直到2024年9月。
Download the latest official NVIDIA drivers to enhance your PC gaming experience and run apps faster.
Download the latest official NVIDIA drivers to enhance your PC gaming experience and run apps faster.
G70A 28寸显示器后,系统无法启动。- GTX 960上关机或休眠后唤醒,主显示器丢失。- Windows 11下在驱动面板切换到独显模式后,出现绿色闪屏。- Ansel、Freestyle景深滤镜出现人物模糊。- 笔记本上,Vulkan测试程序无法使用独立显卡。本地下载: ...