PLATFORM windows 10 64-bit HOMEPAGE [web]What is NVIDIA GeForce Gaming Graphics Driver for Windows 10/11?NVIDIA GeForce gaming graphics driver for desktop and notebook (Windows 10 and Windows 11) with GeForce-based graphics cards. Supported products: GeForce 900 Series (GTX 980, ...), GeForce...
6、使用窗口化G-SYN模式时,Windows弹出登录页面会导致系统顿。 7、华硕VG249Q1A显示器在使用516.94版驱动时会提示Nvidia NV-Failsafe错误。 8、使用5 16.40版驱动时,显示器扩展坞可能无法检测到外接显示器或会导致外接显示器闪烁 纠错 驱动下载 综合评分 ...
4、Maya:部分用户工作流应用崩溃。 5、解决了在12代酷睿上长时间玩《PUBG》的稳定性问题,可以一直吃鸡了。 6、修复了GTX 10和RTX 20系显卡,在同时启用Windows硬件加速GPU调度和NVIDIA SLI时,电脑可能会随机进入休眠的问题。 纠错 综合评分 0 0人参与评分...
此外,我们还支持 10 个新的 GeForce Experience 最佳可玩设置配置文件。 要在Windows 10 和 Windows 11 系统上下载并安装,只需启动GeForce Experience并单击“驱动程序”选项卡。 为所有最新游戏做好准备 下载我们最新的 Game Ready 驱动程序以获得最新游戏的最佳体验,并详细了解 Game Ready 驱动程序必须提供的所有内...
I've got a RTX 3060 Laptop GPU myself and would love to get one of these versions of Windows running on my laptop. sadly, I've never figured those hex values out, and the only guy which had (and successfully got RTX cards working under Windows 10 build 14310/14393 or o...
By Andrew Burnes on September 17, 2020 | Featured Stories Drivers GeForce Experience GeForce RTX GPUs NVIDIA DLSS NVIDIA Reflex Today’s the day: GeForce RTX 3080 graphics cards are now available worldwide, and on September 24th they’ll be followed by the GeForce RTX 3090! To unlock the ...
Windows 11 語言:Chinese (Traditional) 檔案大小:659.28 MB 下載 *下載檔案包含 NVIDIA 繪圖驅動程式和安裝 GeForce Experience 應用程式選項。詳細的軟體使用事項請參考NVIDIA GeForce 軟體授權條款和GeForce Experience 軟體授權條款。 發佈重點 Although GeForce Game Ready Drivers and NVIDIA Studio Drivers can be inst...
2. It's a "performance" driver for the 3080 to make reviews look better. Subsequent drivers for all SKUs might have worse performance. Last edited: Jan 12, 2022 southamptonfc, Jan 12, 2022 #111 janos666 Ancient Guru Messages: 1,717 Likes Received: 433 GPU: M...
Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.1542 (ge_release_svc_betaflt_upr) nvidia geforce rtx 3080 err Hello microsoft, Yesterday I faced issues to download the update as it always stopped at 8%, today i was able to update to Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.1542 (g...
- RTX 3080连接两台三星Odyssey G70A 28寸显示器后,系统无法启动。- GTX 960上关机或休眠后唤醒,主显示器丢失。- Windows 11下在驱动面板切换到独显模式后,出现绿色闪屏。- Ansel、Freestyle景深滤镜出现人物模糊。- 笔记本上,Vulkan测试程序无法使用独立显卡。本地下载: