关于NVIC_DisableIRQ icework Level 0 19 九月 2017 英飞凌DAVE提供一个关闭中断的函数,查看了其函数内容如下: NVIC->ICER[(((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) >> 5UL)] = (uint32_t)(1UL << (((uint32_t)(int32_t)IRQn) & 0x1FUL));...
Anyway, I'd like to see the rest of your code, especially the part with the NVIC_EnableIRQ. Here you disable the IRQ and complain it doesn't work, but I guess you must call NVIC_EnableIRQ somewhere... perhaps the delay plays with the interaction of NVIC_EnableIRQ and the...
设置NVIC 串口中断优先级为 1 ,应该 ( )A.NVIC_EnableIRQ ( UART_IRQn );B.NVIC _DisableIRQ ( UART_IRQn );C.NVIC _SetPriority ( UART_IRQn );D.NVIC _G etPriority ( UART_IRQn );搜索 题目 设置NVIC 串口中断优先级为 1 ,应该 ( ) A.NVIC_EnableIRQ ( UART_IRQn );B.NVIC _DisableIRQ (...
yes, read it carefully the parameter is a number. I deleted my previous post to avoid ...
Anyway, I'd like to see the rest of your code, especially the part with the NVIC_EnableIRQ. Here you disable the IRQ and complain it doesn't work, but I guess you must call NVIC_EnableIRQ somewhere... perhaps the delay plays with the interaction of NVIC_EnableIRQ and the enablin...