21:02:24.079: [obs-nvenc] init_encoder_base: nvEncGetEncodePresetConfig failed: 8 (NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_PARAM): EncodeAPI Internal Error. 21:02:24.079: [obs-nvenc] init_specific_encoder failed, trying again with compatibility options 21:02:24.079: [obs-nvenc] init_encoder_base: nvEncGetEnco...
NVENC Error: init_encoder > failed:8 Recently when I go to record a video OBS throws an error saying: NVENC Error: init_encoder_h264: nv.nvEncInitilizeEncoder(enc->session, &enc->params) failed: 8 (NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_PARAM) I searched it up, but it just talks about screen resolution...
关于OBS(不仅限于OBS)直播/录制软件无法使用硬件编码NVENC解决方案 NVENC硬件编码基本上适用于20系以上的显卡。 今年刚加价买了3060本,本想使用硬件编码录制视频,却发现不管是直播姬、OBS、还是GeForce Experience所有的屏幕抓取软件都无法使用硬件编码(NVENC)。 在中文互联网搜索了几天后发现,所有能给的解决方案只有: ...
解决安装OBS后录屏黑屏问题,简单的几个设置就能轻松解决。报错信息:NVENC Error:init_encoder:(NV_ENC_ERR_INVALID_VERSION) OBS 黑屏解决办法2020-05-08 上传大小:1567KB 所需:50积分/C币 OBS-Studio-18.0.1-Full-Installer (2).exe OBS录屏 上传者:dahuamaozai时间:2020-12-28 ...
Re:Legion 5 Pro NVENC error NV_ENC_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM Hi. Yes. Try in the settings the Encoder X264 and not H.264 maybe it then records again but it goes high on the CPU usage. Quick replyReply0 yoroPaper Tape 30 Posts: 11 Registered: 2021-07-03 00:23:12 Location: Ge...
I am facing the same problem. OBS and GeForce Experience does not record on NVENC encoder. OBS gives the following error: "NVENC Error: init_encoder: nvEncGetEncodePresetConfig failed: 12 (NV_ENC_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PARAM)" GeForce Experience automatically turns off the recording whe...
Issue Short description Needs to "refresh" encoder settings after the viewer has joined the WebRTC stream if streaming using OBS with NVENC H.264 encoder in order for the viewer to be able to view the WebRTC stream. Environment Operating...
The objective of this guide is to help you understand how to use the NVIDIA encoder, NVENC, in OBS. Note: we have simplified some of the concepts to make this guide accessible to a wider audience. Encoders, Bitrate, Resolution and Framerate ...
Open Broadcaster Software (Deprecated: See OBS Studio repository instead) - OBS/ObsNvenc/src/NVENCEncoder.cpp at master · jp9000/OBS
The objective of this guide is to help you understand how to use the NVIDIA encoder, NVENC, in OBS. Note: we have simplified some of the concepts to make this guide accessible to a wider audience. Encoders, Bitrate, Resolution and Framerate ...