The latency is computed from decoder input up to the point this API is called. You can install the probe on either pad of the component and call this function to measure the latency. Parameters [in] buf: A pointer to a Gst Buffer to which NvDsBatchMeta is attached as metadata. [out...
nvds_measure_buffer_latency nvds_measure_buffer_latency() CustomDataStruct CustomDataStruct CustomDataStruct CustomDataStruct.cast() Deepstream NvDsMetaSchema NvDsRect View page source NvDsRect¶ class pyds.NvDsRect¶Holds a rectangle’s position and size.Variables...
the latency of the frame in msMore... Field Documentation gdouble NvDsFrameLatencyInfo::comp_in_timestamp system timestamp of buffer when it arrives at the input of the first component in the pipeline. By default, decoder is considered to be the first component in the pi...
Handle Type: nvidia::deepstream::NvDsStaticInput nvidia::deepstream::NvDsMetaSerialize# Component to serialize DeepStream metadata attached to a buffer Component ID: 9b9181cd-8b6d-3dac-bd7d-aac21fe993da Base Type: nvidia::deepstream::INvDsElement ...
(3): UltraLowLatencyPreset - Tuning Preset for Low Latency (4): LosslessPreset - Tuning Preset for Lossless Enum “GstV4L2VideoEncTuingInfoPreset” Default: 2 (LowLatencyPreset) dGPU vbvbufsize Set VBV buffer size in bits. Unsigned Integer ...