This view shows us the number of components in the application. These include Nuxt built-in libraries and library components like<RouterLink />and<RouterView />. We can also view a chart to see the relationship between our components.
[1]; return function () { if (h <= mainHeight.value) { return minHeight; } return viewHeight.value - 68 - 20 * 2 - 36 + "px"; }; } const edit = () => { // 跳转到编辑器页面,将文章 id 传过去 router.push({ path: "/edit/" + id.value }); }; // 删除文章 const ...
import { RouteLocationNormalized } from "vue-router"; import UploadImage from "./manage/comps/upload-image.vue"; import { HeaderTabs } from "~/utils/types"; import { isAuthor } from "~/utils/manage/github"; import { notify } from "~/utils/notify/notify"; import { calcRocketUrl, rm...
</template> 页面路由<NuxtPage>相当于<RouterView> 页面跳转<NuxtLink>相当于<RouterLink> 项目实战 - Nuxt 版哔哩哔哩 项目资料 在线体验 参考代码 SEO 优化 通过设置网页 title 和 description 等 SEO 优化信息,由服务端渲染,可提高网页在搜索引擎结果页面中的排名和可见性 。 // SEO 优化信息 useSeoMeta(...
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