Repo: Describe the bug layout default.vue: <template> <div> <NuxtLink to="/a">Link to A</NuxtLink> <br /> <NuxtLink to="/a/id">Link to A + param</NuxtLink> </div> <div> <NuxtLink to="/b">Link to B</NuxtLink> <br ...
function processRoutes (routes: RouteRecordRaw[], currentPath = '/', routesToPrerender = new Set<string>()) { for (const route of routes) { // Add root of optional dynamic paths and catchalls if (OPTIONAL_PARAM_RE.test(route.path) && !route.children?.length) { if (OPTIONAL_PARAM_...
if ( === 'admins' && ! { console.log('Warning! Make sure user is authenticated!') } </script> Catch-all Route If you need a catch-all route, you create it by using a file named like [...slug].vue. This will match all routes under that path...
nuxt: name is an optional prop for <NuxtLayout> (0d9a0b753 ) kit: Don't unsubscribe from file writing (716a5b834 ) nuxt: Support uppercase route methods in useFetch (#22418 ) kit: Remove baseUrl and use relative paths in tsconfig (#22410 ) nuxt: Print name of missing island...
import { onBeforeRouteLeave } from "vue-router"; (optional) // import the method from the vue-router to avoid error mark if you're making use of eslint or typescript onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from, next) => { const answer = window.confirm( "Do you really want to leave? you have ...
server-routes: add optional checkbox for inputs (#474) (077a907) 1.0.0-beta.2 (2023-10-14) Bug Fixes current route reactivity on pages tab (d2d44c3) improve RWD of open-graph tab (dfeaf23) improve UI layout of pages tab (66e59ae) increase DETAILS_MAX_ITEMS (de90087) navbar on...
pages– automatic routes based on nested structure, you can define route params (for example [paramName].vue or optional [[optionalParamName]].vue). You can, of course, create additional folders for stores, types, utils, public, plugins, modules, and whatever fits your project and your usua...
18 import { RouteLocationRaw, RouterOptions as RouterOptions$1, RouterHistory } from 'vue-router'; 19 import { CompilerOptions } from '@vue/compiler-core'; 20 import { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } from 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'; 21 import { PluginVisualizerOptions } from 'rollup-plugin-visual...
Setting customLoginPage to true will also disable the /auth/logout route. You have to manually add a logout page to your Nuxt app under /auth/logout and use the logout method from the useOidcAuth composable to logout the user or make sure that you always provide the optional provider ...
nuxt: name is an optional prop for <NuxtLayout> (0d9a0b753 ) kit: Don't unsubscribe from file writing (716a5b834 ) nuxt: Support uppercase route methods in useFetch (#22418 ) kit: Remove baseUrl and use relative paths in tsconfig (#22410 ) nuxt: Print name of missing island...