nuxt: Use routeRules to hint pages to prerender (#29172) nuxt: Pass absolute external link urls to link:prefetch (#29321) nuxt: Error on build when required module is missing (#29287) nuxt: Prevent 404 when hitting component test endpoint (cb725f014) nuxt: Avoid throwing 404 error befo...
据我所知,Nuxt中的async fetch()在呈现之前进行服务器端调用,我试图使用它来呈现post数据,但我不明白为什么<NuxtLink>和<a href...的工作方式不同。如果使用了异步获取<NuxtLink>中的url,则up<a href...可以呈现内容,但在完成提取/api/readpost之前呈现,因此在数据显示up<a href...正确工作时,错误404 post...
Nuxt is an open source framework that makes web development intuitive and powerful. Create performant and production-grade full-stack web apps and websites with confidence.
Nuxt提供了两个全局可用的辅助函数,它们可以直接从中间件返回: navigateTo (to: RouteLocationRaw | undefined | null, options?: { replace: boolean, redirectCode: number, external: boolean )- 在插件或中间件中重定向到给定的路由。也可以直接调用它来执行页面导航。 abortNavigation (err?: string | Error)...
chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v2 (#518) Oct 25, 2021 docs docs: update link Mar 24, 2023 lib refactor: replaceprocess.browserwithprocess.client(#516) Oct 25, 2021 test chore: fix typo (#533) Oct 25, 2021 ...
{ value: 'build', name: 'build: 📦️ Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies', emoji: '📦️' },// { value: 'ci', name: 'ci: 🎡 Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts', emoji: '🎡' },// { value: 'chore', name: 'chore: 🔨 Other...
在nuxt.config.js里是可以对webpack的基本配置进行覆盖的,比如现在我们要配置一个url-loader来进行小图片的64位打包。就可以在nuxt.config.js的build选项里进行配置。 build: { loaders:[ { test:/\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/, loader:"url-loader", ...
Azure Static Web Appsautomatically builds and deploys dozens of frontend frameworks, one of them is Nuxt. Today, we're excited to share that you can deployNuxt 3applications with universal rendering to Azure Static Web Apps. While Nuxt 2 is known for its ease of use, Nuxt 3 brings e...
External Configuration Files Nuxt使用 nuxt.config.ts的文件作为配置的单一信任源,并跳过读取外部 配置文件。在构建项目的过程中,您可能需要配置它们。以下表突出显示了常用配置,以及在适用的情况下如何使用Nuxt配置它们。 Name Config File How To Configure Nitro nitro.config.ts Use nitro key in nuxt.config Post...
24 import { NuxtLinkOptions } from '#app/components/nuxt-link'; 25 import { FetchOptions } from 'ofetch'; 26 import { PluginOptions } from 'mini-css-extract-plugin'; 27 import { LoaderOptions } from 'esbuild-loader'; 28 import { Options as Options$1 } from 'file-loader'; ...