1.) One way I thought of doing this, is by adding a div to the page that contains the post content which is hidden by tailwind and nuxt keeps track of the state. Nuxt conditionally sets the 'hidden' class when the post needs to be seen or not and the the c...
<NuxtLink to="/user/1">user-id</NuxtLink> 6.3.2、<a href="/user/2">user-id-2</a> 6.3.3、<NuxtLink :to="{ path: `/user/${3}`}">user-id-3</NuxtLink> 6.3.4、编程式路由<script setup lang="ts"> function toUser() { navigateTo({ path: /user/4, query: { name: snow...
yarn add --dev @nuxt/content 或 npm install --save-dev @nuxt/content 或 pnpm add -D @nuxt/content Then, add@nuxt/contentto themodulessection ofnuxt.config.ts: 代码语言:javascript 复制 nuxt.config.ts export default defineNuxtConfig({ modules: [ '@nuxt/content' ], content: { // https...
试试这个 关于useHead可组合文档。bodyAttrs参数这将有助于您在body标记中添加任何自定义类。如果你想在...
can someone help me with creating a dynamic component based on JSON data in NUXT3.I have DataTable body component like this:<tbody class="divide-y divide-gray-200"> <tr v-for="item in data" :key="item._id"> <td v-for="column in columns" class="whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 ...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 配置ingressingress-nginx安装完成后,还需要配置ingress路由规则,类似nginx的路由规则: $ vim ingressRule.yaml 1. apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: my-ingress namespace: default annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "...
试试这个 关于useHead可组合文档。bodyAttrs参数这将有助于您在body标记中添加任何自定义类。如果你想在...
yarn add @pinia/nuxt --dev 1.修改nuxt.config.ts export default defineNuxtConfig({ ... modules: ["@pinia/nuxt"], //配置Nuxt3的扩展的库 ... }) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.创建第一个store:useMobile 创建store文件夹,修改nuxt.config.ts(后面会把store文件放入公共hooks,就不需要改配置) ...
我使用的是Nuxt3 js,当我单击nuxt java脚本代码时,它是工作的,但是在刷新之前页面是不会出现的,这是导航条代码: <template> <nuxt-link to="/about">About</nuxt-link> </template> 这是关于页面的: <template> <div class="pt-8"><h1>About Page</h1></div> </template> 这是我的default.vue布...