🌹NUXE的Very Rose 3合1舒缓洁肤水(Eau Micellaire Apaisante 3 en 1)是一款专为所有肤质设计的洁肤产品,尤其适合敏感肌肤。它富含玫瑰花水,能有效卸除面部和眼部的彩妆和杂质,同时保持肌肤平衡。产品中的100%植物来源的Skin-Respect复合物具有保湿作用,并强化肌肤的保护屏障。使用后,肌肤感觉清新、柔软,并伴有淡雅...
Very Rose Eau Micellaire Hydratante 3-en-1 Struccante Detergente Lenitivo 200 ml Nuxe 4,90 € di spedizione,1-2 giorni Iafstore NUXE Very Rose - Acqua Micellare Idratante 3 In 1 200 Ml 4,90 € di spedizione Acqua Micellare Idratante 3 In 1 Very Rose Nuxe 200ml ...
Gammes aux Petales de Rose 玫瑰花瓣系列 Eau Demaquillante Micellaire aux Petales de Rose - 200ml 玫瑰花瓣卸妆水 适用于所有肤质,畅销产品。可以轻松卸除彩妆,让皮肤变得软软的,眼唇部同样适用。使用时需倒在化妆棉上,用化妆棉擦拭面部和颈部即可,无需清洗。 Lotion Tonique Douce aux Petales de Rose - 2...
Lose yourself in the purifying foaming action of Nuxe Eau De Mousse Micellaire – Micellar Foam Cleanser, enriched with ultra soft micellar surfactants and Damascena rose petal floral water it will cleanse, moisturise and soften the entire tone of your complexion. ...