Weather in Nuuk, GreenlandTime/General Weather Time Zone DST Changes Sun & Moon Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Now -5 °C Overcast. Feels Like: -11 °CForecast: -2 / -8 °CWind: 15 km/h ↑ from Northeast Location: Godthaab / Nuuk...
Nuuk August weather guide. Check temperature, rainfall & sunshine averages & more in August 2025 for Nuuk, Greenland
Weather TodayWeather Hourly14 Day ForecastYesterday/Past WeatherClimate (Averages) Currently: 0°C. Mostly cloudy. (Weather station: Godthaab / Nuuk, Greenland). See more current weather × Nuuk Extended Forecast with high and low temperatures °C Last 2 weeks of weather Time Wind (km/h)...
Nuuk is the capital and largest city of Greenland, an autonomous territory of Denmark. Located on the southwest coast of Greenland, Nuuk is the political, cultural, and economic center of the island. With a population of approximately 19,000 people, the city is a hub for Greenland’s admi...
Welcome to HOTEL SØMA Nuuk, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Nuuk, Greenland. With its breathtaking natural beauty and serene atmosphere, this hotel offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience for guests seeking tranquility and relaxation. As you step into HOTEL SØMA Nuuk, you ...
Flights between Tokyo and Nuuk starting at £630. Choose between Air Greenland, Icelandair, or Air China to find the best price. Search, compare, and book flights to Nuuk from Tokyo
Atmospheric concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (OCs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychloronaphthalenes (PCNs) were measured for the first time in Nuuk, Greenland in 2004 and 2005. The annual mean concentrations of the measured OCs were: α-HCH 20.2 pg m 3, γ-HCH (...
HOTEL SØMA Nuukprovides the perfect base to cast your line into the abundant waters of Greenland. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, the hotel offers fishing excursions tailored to your skill level, ensuring an unforgettable experience. Imagine the thrill of reeling in a trophy-...
Welcome to HOTEL SØMA Nuuk, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Nuuk, Greenland. With its breathtaking natural beauty and serene atmosphere, this hotel offers a truly unique and unforgettable experience for guests seeking tranquility and relaxation. As you step into HOTEL SØMA Nuuk, you ...