虽然“nuts about nuts”这个短语在表达上很生动,但在使用时也需要注意语境和场合。在正式或严肃的场合,可能需要使用更为正式或中性的词汇来表达对坚果的喜爱或关注。 综上所述,“nuts about nuts”是一个表示“对坚果非常着迷或狂热”的英语短语,它可以在多种场景中使用,但也需要根据...
Dear potential players: For the past week, I have been working on an interactive tutorial system for Nuts About Nuts. New Interactive Tutorial 2024年12月1日周日 关于这款游戏 对坚果充满热情是一款生动且合作的“无压力”工厂模拟游戏,团队合作和精确度是成功的关键。
Nuts about nuts.Focuses on the health benefits of peanuts. Advantage of adding some peanuts to a diet low in saturated fat; Decline in total blood cholesterol levels and bad cholesterol.FeuryMargitEBSCO_AspWomans Day
After doing myCookie Party Roundup, I realized that there are people out there who get OVER LOADED with cookies on the holidays. Sometimes I feel bad adding to one’s cookie loot because there have been times where I’ve definitely been over-cookied. Since there’s a little time left, a...
Almonds-Almonds contain the most fibre — about three grams per ounce — compared to other nuts, and are richest in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. I am not sure I could live without my raw almond butter! Walnuts-are especially high in precious omega-3 fats1 Walnuts are also a rich ...
Mostly though, just have fun going “nuts about nuts” and assisting your health at the same time. Sourced from ZeroHedge Alexandra Roach is a board-certified holistic health practitioner, herbalist, and movement teacher who has also worked as a journalist, TV news anchor, and author. She ...
le>Nuts about nuts. Nuts about nuts.Nuts about nuts.The article presents the findings of research on consumer's consideration when purchasing peanuts conducted by snack manufacturer United Biscuits (UK) Ltd. which shows that consumers associate jumbo peanuts with better quality....
在美国口语中,“This is nuts” 这一表达常用于形容某件事情或某个情况非常不寻常、出乎意料、令人难以置信或者有些疯狂、古怪。这里的“nuts”并不是指字面意义上的坚果,而是一种口语化的比喻,用来加强语气,表达说话者对某事感到惊讶、不解或者觉得其有些离谱。
"Nuts" about Nuts 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者: S Smith 摘要: QUICKER PICKER-UPPER: Henrietta Olson uses a "Wizard" (originally designed for picking up golf balls) to pick up dropped heartnuts under a grafted tree. Note the distinct graft towards the bottom of the tree's ...
Definition of nuts about in the Idioms Dictionary. nuts about phrase. What does nuts about expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.