The litchi fruit is a rich source of both macronutrients and micronutrients. It contains a high percentage of water in its pulp, seed, and pericarp, ranging from 76 to 91%. Additionally, litchi fruit contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids, phenols, pectin, minerals, and vitamins ...
insecticidal effect; Coconut Juice with fluid, such as water effect. Suitable for the crowd: ordinary people can eat. For quantity: every time a Coconut Juice cup (150 ml) every 30 grams of coconut. Reminder: coconut stew tonic effect is more significant. Edible ...
Mugharri drug is a cold and dry substance with a small amount of viscid moisture that coats the surface and constricts pores. It moisturizes the skin and makes it appear lighter), Mohsin e laun (fairness activity), Ghassal (irrigator), Tiryaq (antidote), and Muqawwi (general...
各种肉类的营养价值(The nutritional value of all kinds of meat) All kinds of meat nutrition value pig skin Pig skin, sex cool taste gan, contain a lot of protein, animal glue, boil it to make animal glue can replace glue, it is a kind of fine nutrition tonic. The main components of ...
各种肉类的营养价值(Thenutritionalvalueofallkindsofmeat) Allkindsofmeatnutritionvaluepigskin Pigskin,sexcooltastegan,containalotofprotein,animal glue,boilittomakeanimalgluecanreplaceglue,itisakind offinenutritiontonic.Themaincomponentsoftheproteinin pigskinarecollagenandelastin,whichaccountfor85%ofpig ...
Documentation of resources used in the indigenous diets are important for preservation of cultural heritage, biodiversity conservation, sustainability, and
Encapsulation by spray drying is certainly the best value technique for protecting sensitive components from degradation and for converting oil soluble liquids into water-dispersible powders. Nexira offers a complete range of all-natural acacia gum with exceptional film-forming and emulsifying properties. ...
White radish is not suitable for the spleen and stomach, such as stool, should be reduced, and it is worth noting that taking ginseng tonic when not eat this product, so as not to affect the curative effect Analysis of nutritional value of white radish Radish radish, also known as Luo. ...
or soaked in water after that the water rich in tannin should be applied topically to the skin that helps to ease rashes, burns, speeds up the healing process of wounds and cuts, lower inflammation as well as burns. The topical application of this water helps to cure pains and aches. (...
Chicory is listed as one of the 38 plants that are used to make Bach flower remedies. Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used it as a liver tonic, appetite stimulant and sedative. A decoction of 1 oz. of root to a pint of boiling water has been discovered to be effective against jaun...