Buckwheat flour and groats are nutritionally rich, and foods prepared from buckwheat have beneficial effects on human health. Among the important health effects are a decrease in the serum concentration of cholesterol and a decrease in glycemic and insulin indexes after consumption of buckwheat foods/...
diversity of buckwheat (family Polygonaceae, genus Fagopyrum) around the globe (especially in Russia, China, India, and Eastern Europe), the arid and cool regions where it is most frequently consumed, and nutritional information on a variety of buckwheat uses, including tea, groats, flour, and ...
small amount of tocopherols and theirβhomologs are also present. The total tocols ranged from 19 to 30.3 mg/kg. Out of the total tocols, α-tocotrienol & α-tocopherols combinedly account for 86 to 91 %. Tocols are found to be stable in unprocessed groats for over 7 months of storage...
NUTRITIONAL valueESSENTIAL amino acidsHUMAN growthVITAMIN B1GLUTAMIC acidBuckwheat is a gluten-free pseudocereal crop consumed as functional food in some regions. Traditionally, buckwheat grain is used to make buckwheat groats and flour. Bioactivation improves the nutritional value of buckwhe...
Buckwbeat seeds and the groats derived trom them make up one ot the best souroes ot high quality, easily digestible pro- tein /11/. Balanced amino acid components and a high level ot essential amino acids permit its use 1n human diets and a8 a completing additive to animal teeds, 1n wb...
Lu L, Murphy K, Baik BK (2013) Genotypic variation in nutritional composition of buckwheat groats and husks. Cereal Chem. 90: 132-137.Lu L., Murphy K., Baik B.K.: Genotypic variation in nutritional composition of buckwheat groats and husks. Cereal Chemistry, 2013, 90 (2), 132-137....
Quinoa Tempe as a Value‐Added Food: Sensory, Nutritional, and Bioactive Parameters of Products from White, Red, and Black SeedsThe effect of fermentation with Rhizopus oligosporus, roasting and cooking on functional parameters and nutritional composition of unroasted buckwheat groats was studied. ...
Buckwheat is a gluten-free crop with great potential as a cereal substitute in diets. We investigated how processing of grains into groats (hydrothermal processing to remove the husk) and sprouts (7-day-old seedlings) affects mineral element concentrations in two buckwheat species, Tartary buckwheat...
In Japan, buckwheat achenes are classified as standard (SBG) and non-standard buckwheat groats (NBG) based on their density, though NBG are used as feed or incinerated. This study aimed to investigate the potential of NBG as a new food by comparing the cooking, physicochemical, and ...
Dziedzic, K.; Górecka, D.; Kucharska, M.; Przybylska, B. Influence of Technological Process during Buckwheat Groats Production on Dietary Fibre Content and Sorption of Bile Acids.Food Res. Int.2012,47, 279–283. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...