We used Cox regression to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) for future urinary stone disease and conditional logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (ORs) for urinary stone disease before diagnosis of CD. Individuals with urinary stone disease were identified through the Swedish National Patient ...
Nutritional statushas been shown to improve when dietary counseling and oralnutritional supplements(ONS) are given toMHDpatients who havePEW[296–298](seeChapter 44: Oral and Enteral Supplements in Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure). A review of the evidence that nutritional support can improve prot...
Food supplements, specialized infant formulas (e.g., Alimentum, Elecare, Neocate, and Nutramigen), lactose-free foods, vitamins and/or minerals may be used to replace intolerable foods, for lactose intolerance, to supplement a deficient diet, or to provide alternative nutrition in the presence of...
high-fiber foods, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and a reduced intake of processed or red meats. However, while helpful for diverticulitis or constipation, these recommendations tend to aggravate Crohn's disease and/or Ulcerative colitis, which are known risk factors to develop intestinal cancers...
Therefore, the results confirm that nutritional protein supplements greatly promote the process of skin reparation during the early inflammatory phase and the proliferation phase of skin reparation. And, the mean wound sizes in the PRO and PEP groups were considerably smaller than those in the PBS ...
You expect the very best in bespoke healthcare solutions, round-the-clock support and access to the best supplements, testing and advice in order to be the healthiest you can be.You’re looking for a seamless concierge service that can being you the best of the best in integrative health ...
Fruit is considered a remedy for catarrh, fluxes, and children’s coughs. Juice from the green fruit is used for chronic colitis in Philippines. Seeds are used as anthelmintic in Brazil and for round worms in Zaire. Leaves are used as external application in different skin aliments, leprosy,...
149 In mice, diets high in cellulose reduce IL-1β and TNF-α levels, whereas low cellulose intake disrupts intestinal health through increased crypt atrophy and goblet cell depletion, resulting in colitis development.150 In a murine model of endotoxemia, a cellulose-rich diet successfully achieved...
Oligosaccharides express and inhibit the activation of inflammatory pathways, playing a role in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases such as acute colitis, steatohepatitis, and diabetic nephritis. Hyaluronic acid disaccharide could reduce lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced pro-inflammatory cytokine ...
The terms “nutritional formulation” or “nutritional composition” as used herein, are used interchangeably and, unless otherwise specified, refer to synthetic formulas including nutritional liquids, nutritional powders, nutritional semi-solids, nutritional semi-liquids, nutritional supplements, and any othe...