Grape nutrition: Grapes, red or green 69/288 80.54 0.72 0.16 18.10 0.9 15.48 10 0.36 7 20 191 2 66 10.8 0.069 0.070 0.188 0.050 0.086 0.19 Groundcherries or Cape Gooseberries 53/222 85.4 1.9 0.7 11.20 - - 9 1.00 - 40 - - 720 11 0.11 0.04 2.8 - - - Guava nutrition facts 68/285...
On this website you'll find 2 main types of content relating to nutrition. The first is general facts and information on specific foods. If you're interested in Artichokes let's say and their nutritional profile, then on this site you'd navigate to the page onArtichokesto find out how m...
Grapesare the fruit of Vitis vinifera which has been used for thousands of years due to its medicinal and nutritional value. It has high content of flavonoids, sugar, proanthocyanins, anthocyanins, tannin, organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts. Study shows that resveratrol is considered to be...
Rosé is French for “pink.” Rosés are made from red grapes, but the juice and skins are only in contact for a short time (anywhere from a few hours to several days) before the juice is separated. When the winemaker is happy with the color, the winemaking process continues as it wou...
Squirrels are fascinating creatures with eating habits that might surprise you. This in-depth blog post will explore the nutritional facts of what squirrels eat, offering a glimpse into the complex, even gourmet, diet of these agile creatures. ...
Currants are abundant in their health benefits. They are full of antioxidants and polyphenol compounds. Due to their genus, they are also considered better phenolic sources than grapes. Currants are rich in vitamins, the most significant one being Vitamin C. They also contain a reasonable amount ...
Lowering cholesterol, fighting fatigue, and prenatal care are only a few of the nutritional benefits of beets. Beets are a versatile root vegetable that taste just as good as they are good for you! Find out some fun facts, recipes, and the many health be
sweetened teas. Also avoid kombucha tea and alcohol in all forms, as much as possible. A small glass of wine or beer is okay once in a while, if desired, but not good for one’s health. Wine is often the most contaminated alcoholic beverage, as many pesticides are used on grapes. ...
Red grapes: Contains resveratrol, a long word that is responsible for the anti-aging benefits of red wine. Currently being used in supplements, but why not just eat grapes and drink red wine? Anti-cancer; prevents sticky platelets, lowering risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Watermelon...
Improves digestion; Improves sleep; Improves mental health and it is used indepression treatment; For stronger immune system; For healthier skin; It is used to detoxify the body; Improves circulation and heart health. Via:OrganicFacts|GlobalHealingCenter...