Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop Harvesting the benefits of grain in aquaculture feeds. 13 February 2007. 4249Publ. Department of Fisheries Fremantle, 1447-2068Western Australia 21. HanssenO. K.2003Soya is no soya: (soya proteins for feed products). Feed International, 23N0 9,14180274-5770 ...
Mealworms also have several benefits, including the ability to be grown using low-grade organic bioresources or byproducts, higher feed conversion efficiency, the need for less water and land for growth, and the potential to minimize greenhouse gases [15,16,17]. Thus, YML can serve as a ...
been limited in Iran, and mostly has focused on cultivated species,T. foenum-graceum29,35,36. While fenugreek seeds have been extensively studied for their various bioactive compounds and health benefits, the leaves of the plant have received less attention in scientific research37. Such studies ...
16]. Notably, PEW is associated with several adverse outcomes, including cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality [17]. Intradialytic nutrition may be seen as an opportunity to reduce the risk of malnutrition, and positive benefits might be achieved with regard to PEW and quality of life [1...
Recommendations for fertilizer use in agriculture do not take into account the growing region and the source of the organic matter. In addition, vegetable growers are unaware of the quantities of fertilizer to be applied during cultivation. Accordingly,
Health benefits of Nutmeg Referred to as a well-liked spice all over the world, nutmeg can also be well-known because of its numerous health advantages. In fact, since ancient times, nutmeg has been utilized like a fix for numerous conditions or even enhance health generally. Here are a fe...
Healthcare benefits of Hordeum vulgare L (barley): a phyto-pharmacological review Res. J. Pharmacol. Pharmacodyn., 9 (4) (2017), pp. 207-210 CrossrefGoogle Scholar [8] Z. Fozonne N. Tchameni, N. Kaur A review of the effect of processing on the nutritional composition of barley Pharm...
an analytical approach of sea buckthorn fruits composition: nutritional value, applications, and health benefits, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18 (17) 8986. Google Scholar [4] W. Yang, O. Laaksonen, H. Kallio, et al. Proanthocyanidins in sea...
Sparasis crispa,commonly known as cauliflower mushroom after the shape of the above ground basidiomes which resembles a cauliflower. An edible mushroom with a variety of medicinal properties, it is widely distributed all over the north temperate zone and grows as a saprophyte or parasite on the ...
Background A compromised nutritional status jeopardizes a positive prognosis in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. In low- and middle-income countries, ~ 50% of children with ALL are malnourished at diagnosis time, and undergoing antineoplastic treatment increases the risk of depleting ...