Many pregnant women rely on their health professional for nutrition information during routine antenatal visits. This review offers information to assist health professionals with advising pregnant women of the important nutrition considerations during pregnancy. The roles of some of the key nutrients are ...
Hydration (水合作用)is another special nutritional concern during pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your body needs even more water to stay hydrated and support the life inside you. So it's important to drink enough fluids every day. How much wei...
Nutrition during pregnancy is a much-misunderstood topic, full of old wives's tales and potentially harmful advice. In truth, pregnant women only need to add about 300 calories per day to their diet to support their pregnancy - the equivalent of an apple and a glass of milk. However, the ...
When it comes to good nutrition during pregnancy, it is important to mention to folic acid. Folic acid is a vital nutrient before and during pregnancy. Research proves, women who often indulge in foods rich in folic acid before and during pregnancy might reduce the risk of malformations in th...
妊娠营养-Nutrition in Pregnancy NutritioninPregnancy Afewquestionsbeforewestart 1.Whichnutrientisneededduringpregnancyforstrongblood?A.SeleniumB.VitaminCC.IronD.Magnesium QuestionsContinued…2.Whichdescribeshealthyweightgainforpregnancy?A.Womenshouldgain0.5to1.0poundsperweek(0.2–0.5kg)inthe2ndand3rd...
妊娠营养-Nutrition in Pregnancy NutritioninPregnancy Afewquestionsbeforewestart 1.Whichnutrientisneededduringpregnancyforstrongblood?A.B.C.D.SeleniumVitaminCIronMagnesium QuestionsContinued…2.Whichdescribeshealthyweightgainforpregnancy?A.Womenshouldgain0.5to1.0poundsperweek(0.2–0.5kg)inthe2ndand3rd...
What is optimum weight gain in pregnancy? The average weight gain in pregnancy is around 11 kg. The majority of it is gained in the second half of pregnancy. The optimum weight gain also depends upon how much you weigh before conception. ...
Essential fatty acids are another healthy addition during pregnancy, as well as for your basic foundational nutrition support.* Particularly in the third trimester, omega-3 fatty acids play a role in healthy brain development.* One of these omega-3s, DHA (like what’s in Thorne’s Prenatal DH...
Evaluation of nutrition in pregnancy. Some of the difficulties of evaluating nutritional status from records of food consumption or from the biochemical composition of the blood are pointed out... NS Scrimshaw - 《Journal of the American Dietetic Association》...
Iron: Iron deficiency is common in pregnancy and can lead to anaemia, which weakens the immune system. Ahigh quality prenatal vitamincontaining iron can help support your pregnancy, especially throughout the winter months. Vitamin D: The winter months offer less sunlight, which can lead to a ...