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My experience as a dietetic assistant enabled me to get another part time job as a dietetic assistant at a different hospital so I could finally quit the admin job I had been stuck in. Unfortunately these jobs weren’t permanent = no job benefits, and I applied for my current full time,...
say, most people working office jobs. What’s more, teens’ brains are still developing and maturing. Caffeine can also disrupt teenagers’ sleep cycles—and sleep is a crucial time for brain development. In extreme cases, excessive caffeine intake can even put teens...
Financial constraints can also be a significant roadblock for such students, which may limit their choices, force them to balance jobs, family responsibilities, and school work all at once, and make the college experience much more stressful.Despite these struggles, first-generation college students ...
they are able to spend a lot more time in the gym than most of us with jobs outside of the fitness industry. I know I can speak for myself when I say competing got a whole lot harder after I finished school and jumped into a job that had nothing to do with fitness. And this is...
me tell you, this does not make us all that very different. Just like you, I have other interests than food, jobs that aren't in the nutrition industry, or living on the beach. I come from a small town in Ohio known as Newton Falls and I've put my time in at minimum wage jobs...
Or maybe your two-jobs and day-care and public transportation schedule. Or any variation on the above in your oh-so-simple life. Then go shopping and buy all the stuff you need (this step requires money, just FYI). Don’t forget to take your reusable hippie bags. Carry all the stuff...
–Next time you think you should take a break at work, get up and stretch or go get a glass of water. The smallest of actions means more than the greatest of intents. What small actions did you take this week? Leave a Comment June 12, 2012 Sedentary Jobs: Why They Suck and How...
Amid all the things on my mind lately –– the amazing American Public Health Association (APHA) conference I attended in Boston, the jobs I’m applying for, the pears I’m addicted to –– my thoughts keep coming back to one upcoming and highly unique event: Thanksgivukkah. For those who...
2-3 part time jobs to pay the rent and not starve to an employed professional working a regular 9-5 schedule who suddenly has the money to buy watermelon in January (violating the 100 mile diet *gasp* but I’m not wealthy enough for my own greenhouse) and the time to go for a ...